Chapter 5.

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Meghan's POV :

"Where are you taking me" Meghan said as she was slowly waking up from the daze yet she felt herself being carried .

Chelsy laughed and said "home dear , we changed our mind and we are going to take you  safely home , it will buy us more time so I can have the chance to deal with you properly". She whispered as they got to the doorstep of Meghans home , lucky her that Meghan gave her a spare key to her home.

Meghan gave an uncomfortable sigh " what did you say" she asked now coming more to her senses.

"Are you sure pretending that you're still her friend and you care for her is the best option to lure her in and then deal with her"? Meghans ex husband asked.

Chelsy looked at him and in her heart she knew she didn't really like this man , but she wanted to use him to make Meghan jealous and then dispose of him the only way she knew how to , with the gun in her drawer at her home, she smiled at Meghans ex husband and said "just trust me ok?" .

"Ok" he said and then proceeded to drop Meghan hard on her doorstep floor , hard enough to make her weak again before he proceeded to carrying her once again .

Meghan fell back into a deep sleep as a result of the fall , her reasoning for what was real and fake was shaky she felt as though it was all a dream.


Harry's Pov :

Harry rushed into the doctors room with the speed of light "where is she?!"

"I don't know s-iiiir !" The doctor shouted in fear ," I supposed they were taking her home"

Harry grabbed the collar of the doctors shirt and looked him straight in the eye and said "if anything happens to that lady I will come for you".

Sending shivers down the spine of the doctor , he quickly dropped his hands from his collar and neatly used his hands to stretch out the sleeve of his suit whilst composing himself and said to the doctor "how about her mother and daughter " .

The doctor with his mouth wide open on having never imagined that the prince of England would be threatening him in such manner , " they're fine , they're still recovering sir " he said looking to the ground .

"Perfect , now I am going to look for Meghan , and pray to God nothing happens to her , if I don't see her at home ... I will come for you , doctor."

And just like that harry left .

Meghan's Pov:

"Meghan wake up you stupid piece of shit" Chelsy whispered closely in Meghans ears as she lay Meghans head on her lap whilst she slept .

Meghan turned to look up at her face as if sensing the hostility, "Chelsy?" She asked , she thought she had heard things in her dreams but it sounded too near to be just a dream.

"Hey baby girl are you ok? I was telling you to wake up because I want to make sure you're ok " Chelsy said with a fake smile whilst caressing Meghans hair .

Meghan smiled and deep down inside her thanked God for who she saw as a good friend , that smiled quickly turned into a frown as she remembered her mother and her daughter.

"They are fine , everyone is alive and healthy , they are just recovering at the hospital but you were safe enough to go home so I brought you back ".

Meghan cried tears of joy , "oh thank jesus" she said as she used a hand to adjust her self upwards as she was now sitting side by side with Chelsy .

Chelsy smiled a fake smile and watched Meghan happy , it tightened her heart because she wanted to see her in agony and pain , she hated Meghans smile and she hated Meghans joy , she wanted her dead and she wanted her dead fast , but she wanted to ensure that meghan watched her take every single thing that she loved the most .

The doorbell rang and Chelsy stood up speedily to see who was at the door ,
"Yes how may I help you" she said as she slightly opened the door .

"Oh.. what are you doing here , you know she can't see you at this time , she just woke up , you stabbed her mum , stay away if she sees you she will go into panic mode and I am so not ready to deal with that , understood?" Chelsy said sternly, as she looked at the miserable man before her eyes , she just couldn't understand how Meghan used to love this man .

"But can I just get a kiss , you know what you promised me , you told me that after this whole ordeal we would run away together , change our identities and start a family , make babies " Meghan's ex husband said pleadingly .

Chelsy almost puked inside her as she looked at the man standing before her and detested having anything to do with him in the first place , she quickly composed herself and forced her hand to touch his cheek , she closed her eyes so forcefully and held her breathe as she leaned in for the kiss , she didn't want his horrible smell to kill her first.

Meghan's ex husband smiled with a rotten teeth full of left over food from only God knows when , as he smiled a cheesy smile he said to chelsy , "can I get another ---"

Before he could even finish the sentence the door had been shut in his face . Chelsy quickly ran to the bathroom and used any toothbrush available to brush her mouth from the disgusting taste of expired food .

Chelsy must have been in the bathroom for almost an hour when she started hearing noises , almost like a conversation was going on . "Are you ok ?" She heard the male voice ask in a tone of deep worry and anger , "I'm fine , what are you doing here" , she heard Meghan reply .

And just like that Chelsy looked for the nearest weapon she could find and she knew just where to find it .

" Get out harry " Chelsy shouted.

Harry was taken aback , he placed his hands in the air and said "calm down Chelsy , we can settle this".

Meghan looked back and forth between harry and Chelsy before she fainted.

Harry took one step closer to Chelsy , and that's when it happened, that's when the bullet hit right on the spot.


Authors note : ❤️

😩 what do you think happened at the end?

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