Chapter 1

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If there was one word to describe Jeon Jungkook, it would be perfect. He was amazingly skilled at almost anything. He had a beautiful singing voice, was a very talented dancer, got good grades, excelled in sports and basically anything that required any kind of effort, and was especially popular. In fact, he wasn't just well-known around campus, but practically everyone had seemed to have heard about him. His social media following was tremendous. Jeon Jungkook was the definition of perfect. Jeon Jungkook also had a bit of a secret; a little bit of an obsession, in fact. His obsession being Min Yoongi.

The girls on campus were like vultures; the moment they spotted him they'd be flocking him and trying their best to seduce him. It was very annoying, but it was a necessary evil to be endured in order to maintain his popularity. Every once in a while, he'd get a guy or two coming up and asking him out. While he did swing that way, he'd politely decline. No one was sure of his sexual preference; he'd turn everyone down, so it was unclear. They still tried though.

A short girl currently clung to his bicep, pressing her rather sizeable breasts against him. Jungkook almost rolled his eyes, but he'd perfected his "nice guy" act, so he managed to ignore it.

"Jungkookie," she whined, obnoxiously. "When are you going to get a girlfriend?"

Jungkook hummed, as if in thought. "I don't really have time to date. I'd rather focus on school."

A few of the girls in the group swooned. The one clinging to him, however, was angry.

"What, am I not good enough for you? Is that what it is? Well fine, you don't deserve me anyway. Go rot in a ditch, pig," she sneered, before turning and walking away.

The group of girls watched her walk away in stunned silence, almost as if they couldn't believe what had happened when deep down they all would have done the same. Jungkook shrugged and continued his walk to class. He could care less what that bitch said about him. He didn't care for any of the girls that would hang around him. He only tolerated them for sake of appearance. There was really only one person he was interested in. As he stepped into the lecture hall, he spotted him. Jungkook could feel his heart skip a beat at the sight of him-Min Yoongi. He was everything to Jungkook.

With great reluctance, the black-haired male took a seat next to one of his "friends". The only real friends he had were Jimin and Taehyung. Feeling eyes on him, he turned, only to meet eyes with Yoongi, who quickly turned away, hiding his blush in his scarf. Jungkook rose an eyebrow and turned away, trying not to smile. Yoongi was one of the people that didn't quite fit in with the crowd. He'd always sit at the back away from everyone else. Jungkook didn't blame him; people were annoying.

To Jungkook, Yoongi was absolutely adorable; he always wore clothes that were too big for him, his hair was soft-looking and dark-a nice contrast to his beautiful pale skin-he was short, he had a small button nose, his eyes were gorgeous and cat-like, and his deep gravelly voice- Jungkook sighed dreamily, blissfully unaware of the curious looks his fellow classmates gave him.

He supposed his attraction to Yoongi had started only after seeing him a few times in lectures and on his way to classes. At first he paid no mind to the shorter, only focused on getting to where he needed to go, but then one day he spotted a flash of green and turned. The blond's hair was now dyed a minty green. Jungkook stopped in his tracks and allowed himself to look over the shorter's face. There wasn't really much of a spark in that moment but something about him intrigued Jungkook. The next day, he'd spotted him again, with the same green hair from before. Perhaps it was the light color of it, and how it stood out that had Jungkook's attention. It had turned into a sort of game; scanning the crowd for that green hair.

In the time he spent staring at the shorter, he'd begun to appreciate his features. His short, almost feminine stature had caught Jungkook's eye, and his cat-like eyes and natural pout. The black-haired male had admittedly spent a bit too much time looking at Yoongi. It wasn't an issue at first, but whenever he'd spot Yoongi with his friends, letting them hang all over him, Jungkook would get jealous. He would never really get angry, so much as envious of whoever was clinging to the shorter. After a few weeks of this, Yoongi dyed his hair black. Jungkook decided any hair color would look good on Yoongi. He sneakily snapped a photo and went on his way, smiling at the newest edition to his collection.

There was no way in hell he'd ever tell anyone. He knew it was creepy; he just couldn't help himself. To him, Yoongi was too ethereal to approach. That, and he was nervous. He was afraid of being rejected, which he's never been afraid of before. It was all so confusing, but he felt satisfied just getting to look at the other. He was very good at acting, as well as being discreet; he had hundreds of photos of Yoongi saved to his laptop.

Jungkook rested his chin on his hand as he zoned out once again. The professor was talking about some project. He didn't really care, that is, until he heard "group-work". Immediately he could feel a couple people turn towards him, but he didn't look at them. This was his chance. It was perfect. He'd ask Yoongi to be his partner. Casting all doubts aside, Jungkook peered over his shoulder, spotting the shorter. He looked nervous. Yoongi was biting his lower lip and avoiding any and all eye contact. It was adorable. Jungkook turned back to the front, his heart squeezing in his chest. His skin tingled with anticipation.

As soon as the professor dismissed everyone, Jungkook shot up, immediately going over to Yoongi. He licked his suddenly dry lips and cleared his throat, getting the other's attention. All eyes were on them. He wasn't really sure where this newfound confidence had come from, but when Yoongi looked up with wide eyes, he wondered why he'd never thought to approach him before. After a moment of a silence, the shorter cleared his throat.

"Um," he started, his face turning a cute pink color. "What is it?"

Jungkook smiled. "Ah, well, I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the project... From what I've heard, it seems you're very talented. I thought it'd be cool to collab, if you want."

It gave him a slight sense of satisfaction when Yoongi tensed. It was as if his brain had short-circuited. Jungkook patiently waited for a reply, getting more nervous as the seconds ticked by. Finally, the shorter nodded his head, his blush reaching the tips of his ears. A strong urge to squish his cheeks hit Jungkook in that moment, but he held back. With a grin, Jungkook gave him a quick "thanks" before turning, grabbing his stuff, and returning to Yoongi's seat. As he handed his phone to the shorter, he couldn't help but grin wider at the surprised look on the other's face as he nervously typed in his phone number.

"So, what days do you think we could meet up?" Jungkook asked casually, trying not to sound as excited as he felt.

Yoongi hummed, a deep rumble that sent a shiver down Jungkook's spine. "Well, I rent out a studio over the weekend; would that work?"

He nodded in response. It was perfect: he'd get to see Yoongi over the weekend. Luckily, he didn't have any classes those days. He hoped they'd develop at least a friendship. Maybe he was a bit desperate to be around the shorter as much as possible, but he didn't care. He'd take any chance he could get.

Yoongi would be his; he'd make sure of it.

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