Chapter 3

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Stalking: A course of conduct directed at a specific person that involves repeated visual or physical proximity, nonconsensual communication, or verbal, written, or implied threats, or a combination thereof, that would cause a reasonable person fear.
(!If you think you are being stalked, please report it to the authorities!)

It had become a habit; following Yoongi. Jungkook pulled his hood down further, hiding his face. He put on his sunglasses and shoved his hands in his pockets. He was leaned against the outside of a music store. The pale haired man liked to frequent this place, from what Jungkook had observed. Maybe "observed" wasn't the right word. From an outsider's perspective, it would be stalking. Jungkook didn't like to think of it as that. If Yoongi were to find out, then surely he'd have no chance of being with him.

The door to the small shop opened and a small bell chimed, signaling that someone had opened it. Jungkook peered around the corner, catching sight of the elder. His blue hair was covered with a ball cap and he was wearing a face mask, although it was lowered to sit below his cheeks, making them look puffy. The hoodie he was wearing was white and soft-looking. The sleeves reached over his hands, giving him sweater paws. Jungkook bit his lip, almost forcing himself to stay put and not run up to the elder and coo at him.

Yoongi stopped to dig around in the bag wrapped around his shoulder. He furrowed his brows and his mouth opened a bit; he seemed to do this whenever he was concentrating, which made him even more adorable. Everything Yoongi did was cute to Jungkook. He couldn't help it; his round cheeks and pouty lips, the way his eyes drooped when he was tired- Yoongi clicked his tongue and pulled out a folder and opened it, thumbing through a bunch of papers. Lyrics, Jungkook supposed.

He read over one of the sheets and frowned, then shoved the folder back in his bag. Yoongi turned and walked away, and Jungkook waited a bit before he began to follow. It was routine at this point. As expected, the elder stopped at a café, to get a coffee. Jungkook waited outside the building like before, this time playing on his phone. Waiting was the most boring part; when Jungkook couldn't follow and watch Yoongi.

As expected, it didn't take long before the elder stepped out of the shop, sipping his coffee. Jungkook followed him all the way to his apartment and waited until he went in to walk away. He'd long since learned where Yoongi lived. At first, he was hesitant to follow the elder for too long; he didn't want to look like a stalker, after all, but eventually he found himself watching Yoongi enter an apartment complex. Jungkook had froze, eyes wide; he knew it was creepy to know where he lived without first being invited. He'd walked home guiltily after that. Soon enough, though, he stopped caring. He was confident enough in his acting skills to act surprised if he was ever invited to Yoongi's place.

Jungkook threw his stuff down and sat at his desk, turning his computer on. He then plugged his phone in and began to go through the most recent pictures he'd taken. They were all Yoongi. Humming, he transferred them all to his computer, to be put in a folder he'd labeled "Yoongi <3". A part of him had felt bad for sneaking all of these photos, but he, once again, stopped caring. He was obsessed. Jungkook oh so badly wanted to make his background a picture of the elder, but he didn't want Jimin and Tae to find out when they'd come over; they liked to snoop, after all. He knew he'd do anything for Yoongi.

Which is what brought him into this situation...

There was almost always a bit of a ruckus on campus, so when Jungkook had noticed a rather sizeable crowd gathered in front of the music building the next day, he didn't really think much of it. It was more of a pain than anything; he had a class there and everyone was blocking the entrance. He couldn't see past all of the people, and therefore couldn't tell what was going on. The murmur of the crowd also blocked out whatever was happening.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he turned, not at all surprised to see one of his classmates.

"Ah, Jackson, what is it? What's going on?" he asked.

"I'm not really sure, but I think a group of girls are harassing some guy."

Jungkook rose an eyebrow and tried to peer over the crowd, but to no avail.

"Who is it?"

"I'm not sure. Some guy with weirdly colored hair."

Jungkook froze, eyes wide.

"What- What color?" He asked, almost urgently.

Jackson's eyes widened, shocked. "Uh- I don't know. Blue, I think? It's almost white though-"

With that, Jungkook was forcing his way through the crowd, leaving a stunned Jackson behind. People started to move a bit, as if to make room for the redhead. He was silently grateful. When he reached the middle, his heart sank. It was Yoongi, as he'd thought. The pale-haired man was stood with his head lowered, hair covering his eyes. His stuff was scattered on the ground. Jungkook's heart squeezed when he saw that he was shaking.

He turned his attention to the group of girls, eyes widening when he recognized the one in front. It was the girl from the other day. Her finger was pointed at Yoongi and she had a sneer on her face.

"I can't believe Junkook would rather hang out with you than me. There's nothing special about you. You're weak and pathetic. You're not even good-looking. Why does he waste his time with someone like you when he could be with me?" She spat, crossing her arms.

Very faintly Jungkook could hear a choked sob. A surge of pure fury filled him, causing him to grit his teeth and clench his fists. He stepped forward, stopping just in front of Yoongi. The girl gasped and stepped back, looking almost afraid.

"J-Jungkook- I-" she stammered.

"Get the hell out of here," he spat, interrupting her. "I don't want to see you near him ever again, do you hear me? What the fuck is your problem? Did you think this would make me like you? Fuck you. Yoongi doesn't deserve this kind of shit treatment. You obviously don't know how amazing he truly is."

He was yelling. The crowd was completely silent.

Very softly, a hand wrapped around his arm. Jungkook looked down, eyes meeting Yoongi's own. They were puffy and red, tears threatening to spill down his already soaked face. The redhead felt all of his anger leave him in that moment. He turned to face the elder, carefully swiping a stray tear from his cheek. Whatever else was going on in that moment didn't matter. Yoongi sniffled and leaned forward, pulling Jungkook in for a hug. Immediately, he reciprocated.

Jungkook pulled back and grabbed Yoongi's hand, pulling him away from everyone else. He glared at the group of girls as he passed, still a little pissed at them. The two walked all the way to Jungkook's apartment, where he then lead Yoongi to his bed, offering a soft smile at the other's confusion.

"You're probably tired. You can sleep here, if you want," he supplied, giving the other a sincere look.

Yoongi hesitated. "But- But what about-"

"Don't worry. I'll talk to the professor. Get some rest, hyung."

Yoongi reluctantly climbed into Jungkook's bed, wrapping himself in the blankets. The redhead smiled, before turning and quietly leaving. He hoped the elder would still be there when he got back. The thought of him taking care of Yoongi sent a small wave of pleasure down his spine, but he ignored it. He had more important matters to take care of.

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