Chapter 9

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"Was that Louie?" was all Webby's thoughts as she began to race up where she heard the screaming.

Huey, Dewey, Scrooge, and Donald all raced upstairs to the bathroom where Louie was.

"What did you boys do now?" Donald said, furiously.

"We weren't there Uncle Donald. Me and Huey..."

"Huey and I!" Huey corrected Dewey.

"Yeah sure whatever, we were both downstairs and Webby was in her room. We heard the scream downstairs." Dewey finished, ignoring Huey's grammar correction.

"Well we have ta open this door. Louie! Open this door!" Donald yelled.

Louie heard as he was still on the ground. His eyes turned red and his tail became a bit longer.

"This is taking us nowhere," Scrooge said. He took out his cane that he used for his 22-McDuck mission and the umbrella opened.

"Ugh not that one!" he said.

"Since when did his cane did that?" Huey whispered.

"Long story that involves a long time to cope with." Webby said.

Scrooge grunted as he got his cane to knife mode. "Got it!" he began to slice the door from the handle.

Donald pushed everyone out of the way. He gasped at what happened to his nephew. His eyes got smaller to what he saw. 

Louie was growling with his eyes red and began to grow taller than Donald and Scrooge combined. His phone dropped out of his hoodie as he began to get taller.

His horns began to be more prominent and shiny like a ravens wing. His feathers were no longer white but mahogany with red wine stripes.

"Louie?" Webby whispered as Louie's eyes flared at her. His eyes turned black but turned red again.

She saw you. He thought. She now sees you as a monster. Forget about the dance, kiss or anything like that, she never even liked you.

He began to clutch his head and gave out an ear pitching scream.  Everyone clutched their ears as they saw Louie run down the mansion stairs, almost topping over Beakley.

"Louie wait!" Webby yelled as picked up his phone, putted in her pocket and tried to head towards Louie but there was no point. Louie smashed the manors front doors open and out the gates. Cars screeched as they stopped to look and then scream at the monster.

"Louie...." Webby whispered as her hand was still extended towards the nothingness. "What happened? Was it something he ate. He only ate a granola bar and...."

"Webby." Dewey started.

"And then we danced outside. He tried to teach me...."

"Webby." Huey said.

"And we had fun and then we actually did....."

"Webby!" Both Huey and Dewey yelled.

"It wasn't your fault." Huey said.

"The reason we hid you in the closet, his eyes turned red, any his strength. Well, he's part monster." Dewey explained, his head down.

Webby paused for a moment. All this time. They hid something she needed no.... Had to know. All the lies she was told.

"You.... You guys lied to me!" she screamed.

"Webby," Beakley said. "Calm down."

"Did you know about this too Granny?" she said.

"No no she didn't," Scrooge said, trying to defend Bettina, even though she knew very little. "Calm down Webby."

"How can I calm down! You guys kept this away from me," she cried. "Why didn't you? How did this happen?"

"It's complicated," Donald said. "After the baptism, Louie was raging with a high fever and not breathing correctly. We rushed him to the hospital which he had Burned Duck Plague. The doctors "cured" him but the night after, he's been turning into a monster ever since."

Webby closed her eyes as gave in a sharp breath.

"Webby..." Huey said.

"Just leave me alone."
She ran down the halls, tears streaming down her eyes and went into her upstairs bedroom. She landed on her bed as it made a small creak but she didn't care.

She grabbed her pillow and began to sob her eyes out. She couldn't believe her own friends. Her own family hid this from her. Why did they do this? Just tell her why!

She began to take out the phone Louie dropped and pressed on. Up came a picture of he and his brothers on the lock screen. She typed in 0512 and it automatically opened. Tears sprang to her eyes. He took her birthday as a password and she had to words for his home screen.

It was him and her at the dance a few hours ago. His face was flustered as she was smiling like a bright star in the sky.

She sniffed as she laid back down and locked the phone. She began to roll herself into a ball and cry a lot more.
"Tha poor lass. We should have never kept it from her." Scrooge said, looking at Webby as she ran down the hall.

"She had all the right to know Uncle Scrooge," Dewey said. "She had a right."

"But she may have had a different reaction if she didn't compromise," Huey said. "She could have killed him."

"But she would never!" Dewey protested. "She cares too much about him. She would never do that, let alone killing him."

"Can too."

"Can not."

"Alright! Stop it ya wee numpties." Scrooge said. "One, we have ta apologize to Webbigail. Two we have to find Louie."

"But how are we going to do that!" Donald yelled. "People saw and are now getting suspicious and will ask!"

Scrooge looked outside, near the big hole in the mansion. "I think ah know someone that can help."
A/N: Poor Webby! *Goes and hugs her*

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