Chapter 4

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"Wait, how do you guys know each other?" Hoseok asks, looking from Jeongguk to Taehyung in confusion.

Taehyung finally snaps his gaze at Hoseok after hearing him speak up.

"How do you guys know each other?" Taehyung throws back, his tone dripping with accusation that only gets Hoseok to be more confused.

"W-well, he's a new transferred student and he wanted to join the dance club so I wanted to meet up with him before I introduce him to the rest of the crew tomorrow," Hoseok explains, almost defensively under Taehyung's judging gaze.

Taehyung frowns at that and internally curses the universe of just how unlucky he is. First, he has to see Jeongguk outside of the local gym now that they go to the same university, and then he finds out that he is also interested in joining the track team just like Taehyung, now he is going to invade one of Taehyung's hang out place which is the dance studio since most of his friends, including Jimin and Hoseok, are in the dance team. Not only does he have to endure the fact that Jeongguk now goes to the same campus as him but he also has to find an alternative hang out place if he's going to avoid the dance studio from now on.

"That settles it, then," Taehyung says and Hoseok raises his brows in question. "Sorry, hyung. I don't think i'd be able to drop by in the studio tomorrow and possibly never again as long as this asshole," Taehyung pauses as he throws a glare at Jeongguk before continuing, "is in the dance team."

"Hey, don't be rude," Hoseok says, lighthearted but he gives Jeongguk an apologetic look. Jeongguk smiles at Hoseok reassuringly before throwing a dirty look at Taehyung.

Suddenly, Jimin flashes through Taehyung's thoughts and he internally grins.

"At least, Jimin would be more than happy to see you there, Jeon," Taehyung says, sweetly but only Jeongguk was able to catch the sarcasm in Taehyung's voice while Hoseok visibly beams.

"Oh! You know Jimin too?" Hoseok asks Jeongguk excitedly but the younger ignores him.

"Wait, you mean your Jimin?" Jeongguk asks, sounding irritated and Taehyung grins. As much as how unlucky and how unfortunate he feels, he knows Jimin isn't in any better position than him. Although Jimin doesn't despise Jeongguk as much as Taehyung does, Jimin is still not very fond of him as Jeongguk always makes sure that he doesn't only give Taehyung a hard time but also Jimin as well. One of Jeongguk's favourite things to rile Jimin up with is the few inches difference in their height. Sometimes, Taehyung has to catch himself to stop from laughing.

"Yes, my Jimin," Taehyung confirms and he watches Jeongguk groans to himself. Hoseok once again watches the exchange between the two them, still very confused.

"Alright, what is going on?" Hoseok asks, pointing a finger accusingly at Jeongguk and Taehyung as he narrows his eyes at them. "You haven't answered my question when I asked how you guys know each other." He directs this at Taehyung.

"He's my gym rival," Taehyung finally says, grimacing at his choice of words, no thanks to Jimin for planting that term in his head. At least, Jeongguk doesn't laugh at it or correct it.

Jeongguk and Taehyung watches as understanding finally dawns on Hoseok, nodding his head as if Taehyung's answer finally answered all his questions regarding the two of them.

"That makes sense. I do remember you mentioning about a devil spawn that you met at the gym outside the campus. Though, I don't think i'd describe Jeongguk like that. He's pretty nice," Hoseok says, a playful grin on his face. Jeongguk smirks at this and childishly sticks out his tongue towards Taehyung who returns it with a disgusted look.

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