Chapter 11

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After a few more days, Taehyung's role as Jeongguk's babysitter has finally come to an end.

It was when Taehyung suddenly got a surprise call from Jeongguk one afternoon, to which he doesn't answer right away just to make the other wait unnecessarily longer. When Taehyung finally does pick up the call, Jeongguk delivers his message right away, informing Taehyung that he can stop going over to his penthouse as his ankle finally began to heal up.

Taehyung's initial reaction was of relief, finally removed from his responsibilities on taking care of Jeongguk. However, his relief doesn't last long when Jeongguk further tells Taehyung that he should return his car immediately since he won't have any reason to keep it now that he's going to stop dropping by Jeongguk's penthouse. At this, Taehyung was quite reluctant to return the vehicle just yet but figures that he really doesn't have the right to feel upset about it so eventually, Taehyung mumbles a quick and quiet confirmation that he would drop off Jeongguk's car right away.

It's been several days since Taehyung has stopped visiting Jeongguk and also several days since the last time he saw the younger.

Currently, Taehyung has been occupying himself with his projects, which he works through slowly but surely. He also went back to visiting the gym regularly, to Namjoon's delight, and realizes just how much he misses working out. Taehyung had to momentarily take a break from visiting the gym when he got too busy with school, track, and Jeongguk. Now with Jeongguk aside, he finally has more free time on his hands so he decided to go back to the gym again. After all, he also misses Namjoon and his dimpled smiles.

The first day Taehyung got back to the gym, Namjoon had smiled at him wide, before grabbing Taehyung for a quick side hug. Before Taehyung began working out, both he and Namjoon spent some time to catch up. Taehyung filled the older in with what happened to Jeongguk when the other voiced out that he hasn't seen Jeongguk as well lately.

"I really thought both of you guys finally snapped at each other and stopped coming to the gym," Namjoon said before Taehyung left and began his work out.

Visits to the gym became part of Taehyung's routine once again and he has been visiting on days when he doesn't have track practice or track meets without fail. Today is one of those days.

Taehyung just got out from his last class on Tuesday and sees that the sun is starting to set. After making sure that he did not forget his gym attire and a change of clothes, he began walking in a familiar direction to the gym.

Once he gets there, Taehyung changes right away into a plain white shirt and a pair of basketball shorts, finishing by putting on his trainers. After changing out, Namjoon spots him and greets Taehyung as usual.

"Glad to see you're back to being a regular," Namjoon says with a wide smile.

"Yeah, it's good to be back. I've been feeling better knowing that I'm not skipping gym anymore," Taehyung responds with a chuckle.

"Hm, I gotta admit, I miss seeing you and Jeongguk heating it up in here with your challenges. Makes my job a little more entertaining," Namjoon says and watches Taehyung as he jokingly gags at the mention of his gym rival's name before he lets out a laugh.

"Sorry, hyung. I think you won't be seeing Jeon here anytime soon," Taehyung says, remembering Jeongguk acting like a child and constantly complaining about his broken ankle during his period of healing.

Namjoon suddenly raises his brows at him in amusement and a grin appears on his face.

"Is that so?" Namjoon begins, still with a grin on his face. "Then who's that at the treadmill over there?"

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