Chapter 13

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The next morning, Taehyung wakes up and almost immediately began to panic as the memory of last night comes back to him.

Taehyung immediately makes a quick grab at his phone on the nightstand, wanting to check if Jeongguk's message was real and not something that his mind just came up with as some kind of a sick joke.

He quickly unlocks his phone and opens the messaging app. To his horror, Jeongguk's message is right at the very top staring right back at him.

Now fully rested and over from the initial shock, Taehyung's head is finally clear enough to really think about Jeongguk's implications with the message. Taehyung thinks hard on different possibilities about why Jeongguk would want to meet up with Taehyung and wants it enough that he actually says the magic word. But no matter how hard he tries to think of a reason, he really cannot come up with anything.

This suddenly reminds him about the whole free coffee fiasco that happened not too long ago and how Taehyung has also wondered what in the hell was Jeongguk's reason for doing so, which in the end he never really finds out.

Taehyung begins to think that this might be some kind of a prank: Jeongguk invites Taehyung somewhere sketchy but actually never shows up.

Suspecting something like this, Taehyung decides to type up a message.

To: Jeon
where are we meeting

After sending out the message, Taehyung decides that if the meet-up place is somewhere he doesn't recognize or doesn't deem safe, he's backing out. No matter how tempting it is to see Jeongguk's dumb and attractive face, he's not about to get himself fooled if this does end up to be a dirty prank.

Taehyung's thoughts were interrupted when he hears his phone alert him with a new message. He takes a look and sees that it's from Jeongguk. That was rather quick.

From: Jeon
the one near the campus
meet me at lunch?

Taehyung blinks down at the message, surprised that the meeting place is extremely ordinary and he almost feels stupid about the scenarios that he made up in his head a while ago.

To: Jeon

Although, he doesn't stop from wondering what could possibly be the reason why Jeongguk wants to meet him and why it has to be at Starbucks of all places.

It's a date, Taehyung's mind unhelpfully says and the voice awfully sounds like Jimin.

Taehyung shakes his head as he feels himself blush at the thought. Besides, it's impossible that Jeongguk would ever ask him out when the last time Taehyung checked, the other thinks of him as his nemesis. Taehyung, on the other hand, doesn't know if he thinks the same way about Jeongguk anymore.

Taehyung finally gets out of his bed to get ready.

"Why are you awake so early?"

Jimin is sitting on the couch with his bowl of cereal, momentarily looking away from the show he's watching to look at Taehyung.

"Jiminie, it's eleven," Taehyung says with a roll of his eyes, making his way towards their kitchen to grab some water. He thinks about grabbing something to eat too but figures he could just get something from Starbucks when he gets there. He could probably get Jeongguk to buy him something, after all, Jeongguk still owes him after babysitting him when he was injured.

"You usually wake up at three during the weekend," Jimin points out. "Do you have any plans for today?"

Taehyung pauses and thinks about whether it's a good idea to tell Jimin that he's meeting with Jeongguk. Part of him doesn't want to tell the other, knowing that Jimin's nosy ass would just grill him of information and details about their meet-up. Not to mention the endless teasing from him. The other part of him just wants to tell him the truth, knowing that his roommate would find out about it eventually and it would be worse if he happens to find out from somebody else. Taehyung would rather choose the latter.

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