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*this is how Carlos looks*

I look through my closet trying to find something to wear because I don't know what Giovanny has planed if he even remembered he asked if I could hang out with him today after school It is not like i have gave him a answer yet though. I finally find a outfit to wear it is this.

I hurry and put it on and straighten my hair and do my make up and brush my teeth. I rush out the door so I am not late to school when I get there Alex comes up to me he looks so cute is hair line looks like he just got it done and he is wearing a all white t-shirt with black jeans and black converse.

"You forgot to give me the tour around the school yesterday"he said.

"Yah umm I forgot ok" I said back .

"Well how am I going to find my way around the school?"He asked. 

"You do know you can ask your girlfriend Ona right " I said irritated. 

"First off she is not my girl friend and..." before he could finish Giovanny walked up.

"So have you thought about today?" he asked with a grin.

"Umm actually I have and the answer is yes" I said.

"Ok can't wait" he said and walked off with is friends.

"Umm I will give you a tour at lunch " i said to Alex totally forgetting he existed and walked off . 

   Alex pov
Did she just blow me off? I can't figure out why she she can't see I am into her. Out of all these girls that are crazy about me I only see her and she is not even a fan of me why? I don't know. 

I walk to my first class and when I walk in Mariana and Giovanny are talking, as I try to walk to my seat all the girls come up to me it is so damn annoying. I try to push my way through them but I can't. 

"LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE! Can't you see he is trying to get to his seat"Mariana screams at all of them I am so thankful for her doing that.  

"Mind your own damn business" one of the girls yell  back at her.

"Come at me you dumb bitch I ain't scared " she screams back  and the girl just sit down i don't know why but that mad her more attractive. 

"Thanks" I whisper to her.

"Yeah sure" she says back and the teacher walks in the classroom.

     Mariana pov 
When I get into my class room I go to my seat and sit down I start doodling on my note book. I feel someone walk up to me when I look up Giovanny is standing in front of me. 

"You forgot to give me your number" he says with a smile.

"Let me see your phone" I say.

He hands me his phone and I put my number in. I can't believe I am actually putting my number in Giovanny's phone.  I look up and see Alex walk in the room and all the girls run up to him I can tell he is annoyed. He is trying to push is what through the girls but can't I feel bad for him so I get so annoyed of all these girls I stand up and yell.

"LEAVE HIM THE HELL ALONE. Can't you see he is trying to get to his seat?"

"Mind your own business" Melissa yells back.

"Come at me you dumb bitch I an'it scared" I scream back and all she does is just sits down I sit back down.

"Thanks" Alex whispers to me .

"Yeah sure" I say and then the teachers comes in class. We have another knew kid his name is Carol Mena. As usual the girls start screaming. I recognized him from the internet to he is pretty cute also he takes a seat in front of Alex because the student that usually sits there is gone  for the week I think he is sick or something. 

(Carlos mena)

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(Carlos mena)

"What's up bro"Alex tells Carlos
"Hey" he says back to Alex. He looks at me and I just smile at him and and look away. When Mr.Feliz calls me up to his desk again.

"Mariana I asked Alex if he would give Carlos a tour around school and he told me you have not gave him a tour yet but you are at  lunch right"

"Yes yesterday I forgot but I would be willing to give Carlos a tour too"I said 

"Ok that is all"he said and I walked out of the class . At lunch time I told Zackrie I could not make lunch today and he looked disappointed but he made a couple new friends so I was not worried about leaving him. 

Carlos ans Alex meet me at my locker,

"So what is your name?"Carlos asked.

"Mariana"I said. He gave out his hand for me to shake it I was a little hesitant to take his hand but took it anyways.

"Nice to meet you"he said nicely and then we started the tour around the school.

For some reason I kept spotting Alex staring at me when me and Carlos would talk but when I would look at him he would look away fast he did not talk that much through the tour it kinda felt weird. The bell rang and as I started waking away Carlos grabbed my arm and I turned around 
"We should hang out today after school" he said.

"That would be nice but I already have plans today after school sorry "I said.  

"Ok" he said and walked to class. 

"Hey. You wanna ditch clas?s" Alex said I did not realize he was still standing there.

"Yeah sure" I said and we just when to the top of the roof and hung out there till the class was over and then we headed back to class.

"So why were you so quite when I showed you  and Carlos around the school?"I asked him.

"Because the girl I like don't like me back"he said depresses and walked away.

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