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What's your purpose?

What does life mean to you?

What makes you happy?

What makes you sad?

Who do you trust?

Who's your favorite creator?

Who do consider family?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What makes you want to end it all?

What are you afraid of?

What inspires you?

Who do want to spend your life with?

Where would you go if you had the opportunity?

Would you become famous if you had the choice?

What majes you angry?

What's your opinion on other people?

What's your favorite movie?

What's your favorite book?

What's your favorits genre?

What's your favorite color?

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Are you a male, female or something inbetween?

Are you an adult or a child?

At heart are you an adult or a child?

Are you an artist?

Are you happy

Are you sad

Are you upset with anyone

Are you in love

What's your favorite animal

Do you belive in aliens

Do you want to go to space

Do you have a religion

Do you believe in yourself

Do you believe in your friends

Do you have a pet

Do you live in the country or the city

Do you live on a hotel or cold climate

What's your sexual orientation

do you like thunderstorms

Are you an introvert or an extrovert

Do you have a problem at the moment

Do you enjoy your life

Do you think about death

Do you chew with your mouth open

Do you care about grammar

What's your favorite subject

Did you are do you plan on going to college or university?

Do you want more out of life

What's your favorite thing about other people

What's your favorite thing about your self

Do you question existence

What's your favorite time period

Do you belive in time travel

Do you like your job

What's your favorite part of the body

Do you express your emotions

Are you kinesteic, atutory, or visual?

Are your self concous

Are you apart of a fandom

Are you "normal"

Are you okay

How do you feel

Do you have any questions?

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