Chapter 13~ Car Ride Confessions & Makeout Sessions

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The final bell rings and we get up and leave. I walk with Darin, Railin, and Makayla. I talk to Makayla while the boys talk, but I don't really pay attention.

Crap I have to call Adrian to see if she wants picked up.

"Hold on one second Makayla I have to make an important call." I say as I reach for my cell phone. I dial her number and wait. She answers.

"Hello?" She says. "Adrian do you want your brother and I to pick you up or are you riding the bus?" I asked.

She's laughing and talking to a boy.

"No I'm going to ride the bus. Stop it Garrett!" She says.

"Ok be safe. I'll see you at home." I say.

"K bye Hayden." She says while laughing. I hang up.

I walk with Darin, holding his hand.

"Hey Adrian is riding the bus home." I say.

"Oh ok. I thought she was riding with us. What happened?" He asks.

"Well don't get overprotective , but she was with a boy and she was having a lot of fun. I think he rides her bus." I say. He gets a scary look on his face.

What is that all about?

"Did you hear her say a name?" He ask.

"Yeah she said stop it Garrett." I say.

His jaw clenches. "Garrett?" He asks.

"Yes, baby is there something wrong? Who's Garrett?" I ask.

"He is the guy who tried to make Adrian have sex with him. She have him a hand job because she didn't know what else to do. He wouldn't stop harassing her, but she really liked him." He says. 

Oh my gosh. No wonder he's mad.

"Do you want to pick her up?" I ask.

"No, if she wants to lose her virginity to him let her. My mom and dad already warned her about him, but if she wants to be that way then fuck it. Let her be stupid." He says.

"Ok, let's just go baby." I say.

We get to the car and Railin and Makayla make plans with us to go out later. We get in the car and drive home, but we don't talk.

We pull in the driveway. "Baby are you ok?" I ask softly.

"I'm just peachy." He says as he gets out of the car and goes inside.

Shit he is really mad.

I get out and go inside.

No body else is home yet so we go upstairs. He's in the bathroom. I go and sit on my bed and get out my homework. He comes out a few minutes later. He sits next to me and gets out his homework. We sit in silence and work on our math problems that we have for homework. I look up.

"Baby I'm sorry." I say.

"It's alright. I still love you." He says.

I lean on him. I look up at his face. He looks down at me. I move up and start kissing him. I sit my books on the ground. He moves on top of me and we keep kissing. He has his hands everywhere. I'm moving my hand around to get his shirt off. He starts to take mine off when we here a car pull into the driveway.

"Fuck! It's Nick!" I say as we jump up and put our clothes back on.

"Go to the bathroom." I say and he does. I sit on the bed and pick up some books.

"Hayden?" Nick yells.

"Up here!" I yell back. He comes up the stairs.

"Where are Darin and the girls?" He asks.

"Darin is in the bathroom and the girls are riding the bus home." I say.

"Alright well I'm getting a shower and Ronnie is coming over to watch the game. Then later on we are going to have some drinks." Nick says.

"Ok, sounds good." I say sending him a smile. 

Please don't be suspicious.

He starts to leave, but he stops and turns around.

"You and Darin are in charge, and get some pizza for dinner. Oh and none of that "stuff" with Darin ok? I know you like him, but come on." He says.

I'm shocked.

Does he know about last night?

"Ok, got it Nick." I say & he leaves.

Darin comes back in. "That was so close." He says.

"I know. I was so scared." I say.

"I know so was I, listen I think we should tell your brother because this is way too risky. It's becoming too much and he is going to have to be ok with it because I love you so much and I'm not going to leave you." He says.

"Baby I think you're right." I say.

It is true. He should know.

"Well let's tell him before Ronnie gets here and beats the shit outta me again." He says.

I smile. "Ok, let's go." I say. We walk downstairs and Nick is sitting on the couch.

"Nick we need to tell you something." I say.

We sit on the other couch across from him. He looks up. "Yeah. What's up?" He asks.

I sigh. "There's no easy way to say this..." I start to say, but can't finish. Darin steps in.

"We are dating. We have been since the funeral. We always had feelings for each other, but I promise we have only kissed and you don't need to switch the rooms up so we don't do anything else. We would never do anything with you guys at the house. I promise. I love your sister and I will never hurt her. I would rather die before I let anyone hurt her. We have known each other for our entire lives and we fell in love. We can't help it and it will never go away." Darin says.


"Oh yeah I already knew that dude. Tell me something I don't know." Nick says seemingly unfazed.


"What? How did you know? Are you serious?" I say.
He sighs at looks up at me. "I've always known that you two love each other. I knew before you two did. Anyway I saw you guys kissing at the funeral. That's when I knew for sure. Listen I know that you guys won't have sex when anybody is home, but if you do there are condoms in the bottom drawer of the bathroom. We do not need anymore babies around here, ok?" He asks.

Oh my god he is so embarrassing.

"Yeah man we get it and thanks for understanding. It's really awesome that you're cool with this." Darin says.

"I've been there man. I get it." Nick says. I get up and hug him.

"Thank you Nick. Thank you so much for understanding. I love you." I say.

"Hey anytime, ok?" He says.

I laugh. "Ok." I say. We pull apart.

"Well we are going upstairs to finish our homework." I say.

"Alright." Nick says.

I glance back at him once more when Darin takes my hand and pulls me up the steps. I manage to mouth thank you before I lose sight of him.

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