Chapter 24~ Room 237

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Darin's POV

I didn't understand it.

How could Hayden be so calm? Railin could be dead or dying & she is acting like it's all skippy doo sunshine and daisies. What the hell is wrong with her?

She held my hand as we walked into the hospital. We walked to the nurse's station & asked them where to find Railin Charles. She told us to wait a moment while she typed something in on a computer.

Come on come on come on!

I nervously tapped my hand on my pant leg as I waited for her to tell us where he is.

She looks at us & smiles. "He's in room 237 on the 3rd floor East Wing. Take that elevator over there to your right & when you get to the third floor turn left. He room will be just down the hall on your right. If you need any help just find a nurse on that floor." She says.

I nod & Hayden tells her thank you. We walk over to the elevator & get in. Hayden presses the button for the third floor. Once we get there we found he room easily.

But I couldn't go in.

I reached for the handle, but my hand dropped & soon after so did my whole body. I sat on the floor for a few moments. My chest tightened up & my it became hard to breathe. Hayden kneels down next to me. She looks extremely concerned. She looks deeply into my eyes.

"Darin? What's wrong? Are you all right?" She asks.

I shake my head. "I can't go in there." I say, but I struggle because of the tightness in my chest.

She wraps me in her arms. "Darin it's ok. We can take our time till we go in. No body is pressuring you." She says quietly as she strokes my hair.

I nod. "Just give me a minute ok?" I say.

She nods & starts to get up to give me space. I stop her and pull her back to me. "I don't want you to leave." I whisper.

She smiles & hugs me tighter. "Better?" She asks.

I nod and chuckle a little. Soon after she chuckles too.

A few minutes later I start to get up. She gets up with me and I take her hand. "Ready?" She asks. I nod & she turns the door handle.

When I see him I almost start to cry again. He is hooked up to about 10 machines & he has a tube down his throat. His left leg is in a cast along with his left wrist. His face is covered in bruises & cuts.

I shake my head and cross the room.

Why isn't he awake? He doesn't seem to have anything major wrong with him. So why does he have a tube down his throat?

That is when I hear it, the crying. I glance over at Hayden, but she only has a single tear falling down her cheek. I look around the room & sure enough I find the source.

It's Makayla.

I walk over to her & pull her into my arms.

"It's ok Makayla. It's me, Darin. Listen Railin is going to be fine. It'll all be fine Kay. He's strong. He will get through this. I know he will." I say, but she just cries harder & shakes her head. Ghent she pulls back from my hug to look at me in the eye.

"No Darin he won't. He had internal bleeding. A shard of glass hit a clump of arteries connected to his throat. He was choking on his own blood before the ambulance got there. He is not ok! Why the hell would you say that? It's not like you've been here so how could you possibly know anything about it?" She yells.

At least she doesn't know that he was calling me when he wrecked. It is my fault.

I clear my throat. "Where are his parents & his brothers?" I ask quietly.

"They're in the cafeteria getting some food. They'll be back soon." She says and turns away from me.

I get up & walk back over to where I had left Hayden by Railin. Her back was to me & she was sitting in a chair beside him talking to him & holding his hand.

She looked scared. She was crying a lot now that I had left.

As I got closer I could here what she was saying.

"Railin you have to be ok. You can get through this. I know what happened between us hurt you & I am so sorry. It's all my fault this happened. I shouldn't have said what I did. I should've let you come over so we could talk at my house."

"Please just be ok. I love you so much Railin. You're my best friend. Please be ok. I can't think about life without you. Please, please, please... I love you Railin. I always will. It won't go away. Just like you said to me. Remember?" She fades away and she starts crying harder.

I have heard enough. I just turn & walk out the door, slamming it behind me. A nurse in the hallway yells at me, but I just start running down the hall.

I can't stay here. Not like this.

I get to Hayden's car. She always leaves the back opened so I climbed in and got the spare key from under the floor mat. After losing her key repeatedly she put one under it just in case.

Thank god she is so forgetful.

I turn the keys in the ignition & her Jeep roars to life. I quickly back out of the parking space & speed off. I go to the only place I can think of.

I need to hit something & Kenny has a punching bag in his basement. How convenient.

I smile to myself and press harder on the gas.


Sorry the chapter is so short. I needed to set up some things. Anyway I hope you liked it.

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