Chapter 31~ The Truth

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Hayden's POV

One thought was running through my mind while Kenny & Darin fought.

Why? Why would he do that? Why did I say that? I shouldn't have provoked him. Dammit.

When Kenny tried to hug me I flinched back in complete fear. It pulsed through me with each drum of my heartbeat. Every fiber of my being was telling me to run, but I couldn't. I was frozen in place.

I didn't understand it. Why do I stay? Why can't I run?

I wrap my arms around myself & stagger over to the door. I turn the handle & run outside. The cool air hits me & I feel instant relief. I can breathe again.

I sigh & sit down by a tree. With my head in my hands I try to understand what just happened.

Kenny went awol because Darin insulted me. Why? Why does he care? & why did Darin say such horrible things about me? Why was he even at the party? I thought it was clear that he wasn't invited.

"Fuck!!" I scream & wipe the tears from my eyes. No, I can't cry over him anymore. I'm powerless though. The tears continue to flow & soon uncontrollable sobs overtake me.

My breath comes in shaky. It's hard to catch up to my heartbeat. It must be going 200 beats a minute.

I start to thrash around in the grass.

I can't breathe. I can't breathe!

"Hayden!" Someone shouts. "Calm down! You have to calm down! You're having an anxiety attack. Just breathe. Slow down. Please! You're going to pass out if you don't." He yells.

He shakes me, but I can't see his face. It's too blury. Why is everything so blury? Who is it?

My breathing calms & my heart rate slows. I'm still shaky, but not as much. He hands me a drink & I take it. I down it in seconds.

I hand it back to him gratefully. My eyes are starting to adjust again, but everything is still blury. I shake my head a bit to clear my vision.

"Hey slow down." He says & he sounds very familiar.

I look at him & recognize those ice blue eyes with specs of green, grey, & gold, dark black hair, long beautiful eyelashes.

It's Darin. My Darin, who has broken my heart time & again.

"What are you doing here?" I snap at him, smacking his hand away from its position at my waist. He frowns & pulls away.

"I could ask you the same thing?" He says with a scowl.

"I needed some air." I reply.

"Are you ok? I know that what happened scared you." He says softly.

I shake my head. "You don't get to be concerned about me anymore. You've made it perfectly clear how you feel. Why did you help me anyways? You hate me. You used me so fuck you. I never want to look at you again!" I shout at him.

His jaw clenches & his muscles ripple.

"Fine Hayden. Sorry for caring about you." He says & gets up.

I scoff at him. "When have you ever fucking cared about me? You never loved me. You hurt me repeatedly. How the fuck does that show that you care?" I ask.

"My parents died Hayden! I'm grieving! I'm not capable of loving you the way you deserve! You're amazing & I'm just me. I can't just stop caring about you. I hurt you because I wanted somebody to feel the pain I feel everyday. I'm so sorry Hayden."

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