Chapter 1

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The night was cold. The frosty and humid air pierced my skin as I walked briskly down the street. I almost tripped over my feet several times  narrowly escaping disaster each time.

As I continued following the familiar path to my apartment, I started to have the feeling that I was being watched. I tried to brush it off still partly focused on not plunging to my death. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get rid of that particularly startling feeling.

I started walking slightly faster deciding that I would rather fall than be kidnapped. 'Then again if I fall it might make it all the easier...' I thought to myself. I shook my head to clear it but to no avail.

I got a glimps of a figure in a black robe. It was tall and the shoulderds were wide making me assume it was male. The person seemed to have an....aura about them that I couldnt seem to place. It was slightly threatening but I didn't feel all that scared. They looked like they were getting closer.

I was so glad to have been at the door of my apartment. I started to fumble with the keys and couldn't seem to get the door unlocked fast enough. As soon as I succeeded and got the door opened I stumbled in, my face going ever so slightly numb from being outside for too long in the cold and I could no longer see my breath.

I went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot cocoa but stopped in the doorway. I wasn't alone. I could sense that same aura that I did before. Dark and threatening but not scary. In fact now it seemed to calm me and make me more alert.

"Who's there." I said very cautious not to make any sudden movements. I felt a shift in the room tempurature and saw a misty black figure of a man in a pitch black robe, emerge from the shadow of the hallway that lead to my room.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house!?" I asked somewhat demanding. I saw the man move his hands to lift up the hood of his robes revealing his face to me.

As soon as i saw his face I blushed a light pink. He was a really good looking guy. He looked like he was my age or slightly older. He had grey eyes that where almost a pearl-like color and His hair was a dark black, his skin was a pocelian creamy color. He almost glowed. Not to mention that his jaw bones looked sharp enough to cut me.

"My name is Markus and I'm here to bring you to another life." his voice was low but clear. It sent shivers down my spine. I think he noticed my awe and gave me a small smirk. But then what he said finally registered in my brain.

"Wait, what?" I said a confused expression creeping on to my face. "Another life? Am I dead or something?" I looked down at myself to see if I had any visible signs of harm, or.....death. Nothing.

"You're not dead." he said dismissing the thought and hesitating before saying his next sentence. "For now let's just say that you are....specail."  I gave him a deadpanned look and he returned it.

After a long moment of silence I couldn't help but say, "Okay what the Fuck." I got a snicker from Markus and he started to come towards me. It almost looked like he was floating rather than walking. I took a step back.

To be honest I wanted to take more steps but I was seemjngly glued in place. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." he paused for a moment then said. "Well..." I looked at him with my mouth half open in disbelief. Sort of a You-did-not-just-say-that look. 

He waved it off "Not that bad anyways." and then he took hold of my wrist. Honestly I should have been more scared. Why wasn't I? Why was i being so calm and okay with this really hot stranger breaking into my home!?

A simple "why" escaped my lips while I was thinking these things. He noticed and let go. "I don't have to do it here. Ive had strict orders to not do anything against your will." I looked at him trying to process everything that was going on.

"Hold on," I said. "Orders? Orders from who?" He looked at me. "I've also been told not to give you any information for now. I'm already taking too long."

I looked at him still very confused my head hurting. "What are you supposed to do with me?" He looked into my eyes knowing I wasn't going to like the answer. "I'm bringing you to the manner." I walked away abruptly to get a glass of water.

After swallowing almost all of it I replied. "And if its against my will?" "A simple exception." I coughed attempting to cover up a snickering laugh but failing. He kept a stone cold expression. "Okay," I put my glass down and rubbed my temples. "And what happens when we get there?" I inquired. Guess I'll be finding out.

He knew what I was thinking. He grabbed my wrist again as soon as i had walked close enough to him. "Wait!" He stopped moving and waited for me to continue. "The whole pain thing?"

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