Chapter 2

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(No correspondence with the song)
Markus didn't say anything. "We can wait." He finally spoke after a little while. He kept a tight grip on my wrist. "Hey can I-" I was cut off by him dragging me outside and to the front of my apartment. Not forcefully but certainly not gentle.

I looked up wondering where I was being taken. All I could see a was a black old styled car. It looked like it was being kept in pristine shape with shiny paint making the whole car glitter. There wasn't any hint of rust.

Markus opened the backseat door and part shoved me towards the car, then walked to get in the driver's seat. "So much for courtesy." I mumbled. I could tell that he was annoyed and a little bit panicked. And in all honesty, I wanted to know why. I contemplated testing if I could get anything out of him.

After a few minutes of considering I figured I might as well know why he was so tense. "Hey, Markus?" I began. "Jossie" he answered. "Im not even going to ask how you know my name." I sighed. "A wise decision. I told you I cant share information with you." I huffed slightly. "Can I at least know why you seem so...anxious to get there?"

He looked at me in the mirror. "I told you. I took to long to get you here." I thought about it for a moment before realising. "What do you mean here-" I looked out the window and cut myself short. There was a beautiful garden with fruit trees and berry bushes. There was a pond and a stream system even with a few waterfalls. But the garden wasn't even the best part.

The 'mannor' according to Markus, was stunning. it was an enourmus mansion. How could anyone aford to own this place. The car came to a stop more sudden than I would have liked. At least it snapped me out of my dase.

The door opened for me and a gloved hand reached to help me out. I took the hand and saw that it was not Markus. "Who are you?" He was also really good looking. He had the same pale skin but his eyes were a bright green. His pupils were thin and cat like making him look cooler may I say.

But the man ignored my question completely but didn't let go of my hand. He looked like he was.....examining me? He looked at my hair, my arms, my legs, my wrist, everywhere from top to bottom. And somehow he managed not to be disrespectful. Impressive.

"How old is she." he inquired to Markus. "23 Sir." he nodded thoughtfully. "You know you could have just asked me." I said only to be ignored again as they kept talking. He even turned over my hand to look at my wrist, satisfied that nothing was there. "OK what the hell is going on. I don't appreciate being ignored like this."

He turned around and began to walk back into the palace like house. "You better get used to it." he said to me as he left. Then my wrist was grabbed again. "You know im capable of following directions right?" I said mild sass in my voice. Markus ignored me. But really what was I expecting.

After a few long minutes of being dragged around by Markus, he stopped in front of a door. He opened it and gestured for me to enter. It was a large bedroom with a nice blue and white theme. A queen bed was in the center of the room. There was a wardrobe just left of that, and a bookshelf to the right. I could even see a door that lead into its own bathroom.

"You won't leave this room for the first few days you stay here. Need anything ring that bell." he pointed to a doorbell like button. I nodded and he continued. "The wardrobe is full of clothes. The bathroom has towels. I'll come by in a day or two to do your laundry." I nodded again. "You will properly meet that man you saw earlier in 3 days. That's all. Questions?" "One." I said.

"Are you human?" He sighed his shoulders falling. "You figured it out fast then." he looked up at me. "No, Im not human." 'I knew it' I looked at him thoughtfully. I presumed that he knew what I would ask next so he answered before i had the chance to say anything.

"I'm a reaper." I looked at him smiling.  "What? Like the Grim Reaper? As in you take people to the underworld? Yeah ok sure- oh you're serious." His expression was stone cold. "Do you actually think this would be a good time to joke?" I shrugged. "As good a time as any. I mean better get in some laughs before I die ya know."

He looked at me like i was dumb. "Youre not going to die."

"Then why did the Grim Reaper come pick me up from my house?"

"I'm not the Grim Reaper."

"Doesn't matter. Answer my question."

"I can't share information with you."

"Why not? Where even are we? Who was that dude you were talking to? Am I going to go home? What's going on? Is this a drea-" And suddenly his hand was over my mouth.

I knitted my eyebrows and licked his hand. That seemed to do the trick. "You are so bothersome," I smiled happy with myself and walked into my room. I heard the door close behind me only a little bit sad that he didn't say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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