The unpleasant visit to The most memorable feeling

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(Taehyung's POV)

As I was walking Y/N back to her room, she seems to be so comfortable around me, sighing in relief, I was glad. When we were walking it felt great, we would laugh, smile like the happiest people on Earth, and we were probably too loud for other people but we didn't care. I've been telling her all about the silliest to most memorable times that I've had with my friends, who are like my brothers, who are my family .. I liked hearing her laugh, it was as if her laugh was truly as beautiful as a rainbow that shines out after it rains. As we arrived to her room , I saw the door opened and right there I saw a man standing there, holding the bear that I've gotten her. When I turned to look at Y/N, I saw in her eyes were fear and hatred at the same time, when I was about to speak, the man beat me to it. "So you want to explain how the hell you ended up being here?" This man sounded angry but what has me confused is that it takes him three days to find out that she's in the hospital. Scared out of her mind, I pull her closer behind me, maybe this is her father or not, but whoever he is, I don't like him one bit. "Y/N ANSWER ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!!!" This time the man yells at her, I felt her shaking behind me as she held the back of my shirt, this time I spoke to the man, "Pardon me sir but, raising your voice like that in the hospital can alarm the others and may also cause some patients feel unsettling as they can be traumatized so if you can keep your voice down that would be great."

I gave him my best fakest smile, he came close to my face as he was trying to look like he was the bigger person, but as he realized that I was taller than him, he backed away a little, before he was able to speak again, Y/N spoken before he got the chance to, "Father..just stop..what are even doing here to begin with ...," was all she said. As soon as she said father I couldn't believe this man made Y/N feel so defenseless like this, I have feeling that I really need to protect her from him and all the bad things out there in this world, then it clicked to me... he's one of the reasons for her to end her life.

(Y / N POV)

After mustering up the courage to even speak to my father like that has taken plenty of energry from me. I stepped a little to the side so I could face my father, as he looked from Taehyung to me, I could see the same cold look he's always given me in his eyes. I stood my ground looking at my father no longer wanting anything to do with him, my father tried to step closer to me but Taehyung lifed his arm that stands as a barrier between us, he than looks to Taehyung ready to throw a punch but before he could the nurse comes in and asks my father to follow her, "Why the hell do I need to follow you?" Then two police officers come into my room looking at the three of us, "Because sir we asked her to, we need to talk to each of you seperately as we need answers that occured on the night you jumped. It's not anything bad as we just want to help you." Once they told me that I looked at the cops to Taehyung, I felt something warm wrap around my hands and as I looked down I noticed it was Taehyung's hand, I guess it was for reassurance as to let me know everything would be okay. The cops wanted to speak to me first, "Excuse me miss is there a secluded area we can use?" The nurse lead them the way and I followed before I left my room I looked back at Taehyung and he gives me the sweetest smile I've seen. I whispered to myself, "Idiot", he has his charms having me not hate him but I'll let him think I'm still a bit angry but not as much as when I first met him. I followed the cops and was worried what my father might do now that I'm gone. 

(Taehyung's POV)

"So mind explaining how you didn't know your own daughter was in the hospital?" I stared at him as he still stood in front of me, reading him from the way he looks to the way he expresses his body language, "What's it to you, besides what's your relation to her anyways?" This man is going to annoy me in every possible way. "I'm her friend but I'm the one who also saved her." Looking back at the door I stand here waiting for Y / N to comeback.

♡ My Miracle♡Kim Taehyung x Reader♡(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now