Chapter 9

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I woke up in the middle of the night. I didn't know what time it was, but all I knew was that I was in a lot of pain. It was my stomach cramping. Colby's arm was still holding me tightly around my stomach, but I needed to get up.... LIKE, NOW! I slowly grabbed his hand and moved it off of me, trying not to wake him up. I sat up and got off the bed really really slowly and quietly. Again not trying to wake him up. I walked over to the night stand and grabbed my phone. I turned it on, squinting at first because of the brightness, but soon adjusting to it. It was almost 4am. I put my phone down and walked to the door. Colby's door was really loud so I had to be careful when I opened it so it wasn't too loud. But when I got it open I silently ran to the bathroom. I pulled down my pants only to find out that I started my period. And to top it all off, I didn't have anything with me that I could use either. I pulled up my pants which were filled with toilet paper and went back to Colby's room. I opened the door and went inside. "Colby... Wake up." I said shaking his shoulder. I had to shake him and tell him to wake up a few more times before his blue eyes fluttered open. "Y/n. What's wrong? What time is it?" Colby said concerned. "Um, nothing is wrong but I do need you to take me back to my house because I need to grab.... Something..... Like, now." I said with kind of a half smile at the end. "What?" Colby said with a confused look on his face. "We need to go back to my house, now. I need to grab something." I said getting off the side of the bed. "Wait, what? What do you need to grab? And what time is it?" Colby said getting out of bed and putting a shirt on. "It's like 4 in the morning and yes I know it's really late but I really need to grab something." I said talking really fast. "Y/n what is it that you could possibly need at 4 in the morning?" Colby said walking out of his room. He sounded kind of annoyed. "Something Colby." I said following behind him and not wanting to tell him I was on my period. "Um, ok?" Colby said walking downstairs. We got in his car and he drove us to my house. "I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but can you please stay in the car... Please?" I said unbuckling my seatbelt. "Yea of course." Colby said as I got out of the car. I quickly walked up to my front door step and ran inside. The first thing I did when I got inside was go straight to the bathroom and put on a pad. When I was done I went to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic bag and put some pain relief pills inside, then I went back to the bathroom and put a box of pads in the bag. Then I went back to Colby's car. "You got everything you need?" Colby asked pulling out of the driveway. "Yea." I said looking down at my feet. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Colby looking at the bag that was in my lap. "Oooohhhh." Colby said. "I get it now. Girl stuff." he said. "Uh, yea." I said with nervous laughter. The drive home was pretty much silent other than the music playing on the radio. Which didn't really help with how awkward things were. "I don't know if I'm gonna be able to go back to sleep after that." I said. "Yea me neither. But we could at least try and go back to sleep." Colby said holding me close to him and rubbing my shoulder. "You're right." I said laying my head on him. We both layed back down and tried to go back to sleep. I don't know how long it took Colby to fall asleep but it didn't take long for me to slowly doze off.

Jesus this took me FOREVER to write(mostly because I totally forgot about it for like 3 weeks or something like that) but it is finally up 😂 yay! Ok also if it takes me a long time to update like it did with this one then I probably died 😈jk I probably just don't feel like writing or I'm having writers block or something. Or probably what is most likely going to happen is I'm too lazy to write sooooooo yea 😂 I hope you enjoyed reading and will hopefully stick around and read the rest when and if I decide to update soon 😂

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