Chapter 25

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I can tell that he's been really stressed. I can see it in his eyes. And his body language. He just looks so. Exhausted. Fed up with absolutely everything. I still loved him though. In my head I want to give him another chance. But my gut is telling me that he'll just try to hurt me again. And I don't know which one I should listen to. Everyone always says to go with your gut feeling. But right now it just feels so wrong. I don't even know what I should do anymore.

Colbys POV

"Wait are you serious?" Y/n asked surprised. "Yea we're really moving out." I said nodding. "That's so crazy." Y/n said in disbelief. "Yea it really is." I said back to her. Just then a waitress came over she and took our orders. After she left, me and y/n continued to talk. "Y/n look I love you. So much. And I don't wanna loose you again. I've said it before and I'll say it again. This whole thing was all my fault. It's my fault for putting you in the hospital. It's my fault for making you completely cut me off from your life for almost a whole damn year. Just please. Please forgive me. Just give me one more chance. Please." I begged. "Colby, I'm not gonna disagree with you about this whole thing being your fault. But I just don't know if I can trust you again, Colby." "Please y/n I can change. I-I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't leave me again. Please y/n." I pleaded desperately. "Colby I don't want you to change. You changing yourself for me isn't going to make things any better." She raised her voice a little. "I love you Colby, and you're perfect the way you are. And I think I would be willing to give you another chance." She said with a little smirk.

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