Chapter 02

45 5 9

Kai's pov

"Babe! Can we go for a date after school?"

Kim Nara said clinging on to me. Fucking hell! I'm so sick of this chick. Can't they do anything else? Always clinging on to me like a snail. Like what the fuck?

I push her back. She's smart enough not to follow me when I'm pissed off. I head to the rooftop ignoring everyone, to take some fresh air. I saw a girl sitting on the floor with an unfinished burger in her hands. I'm surprised the craws didn't try to tear it from her hands. These days craws are freaking scary. 

I went near to take a proper glance at her since I couldn't recognize her from here. She has a black long hair and wearing a plain t-shirt and a jean. Where is her uniform? Only rebels like me wear casual clothes in here. Others rarely wear anything else other than their uniform. She is a bit familiar but why can't I recognize her properly? I know every chick in this school like the back of my hand.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I said touching her shoulder lightly. Then she rubbed her eyes cutely letting out a yawn, stretching her arms. Then she looks at me head to toe. She has blue sparkling round eyes. Oh! It's Melony, the school nerdy. She's actually pretty compared to the other girls in Parksang High. And one of the only girls who isn't clinging onto me whenever they get the chance. 

I shook my head and saw my watch. It was already ten minutes late for the next class. What is she still doing here? Wasn't she supposed to be in her next class? Don't tell me she's planning to cut her class. No way. That's impossible for a nerd like her. I laugh at my silly thought.

I called her again but no reply so I waved my hand in front of her, trying to talk to her again.

"Umm, yeah?"

'Thank God. Finally, she talked.' I let out a sigh of relief. "It's time to go," I told her but she looks at me confused. Then I showed her my watch, her eyes grew to widen. She got up too fast like a lightning before pushing her half-eaten burger to me, running out from the door like some creepy murderer is chasing after her.

"Hey! Wait! ..."I try to talk to her but she kept running without looking back like she didn't even hear my voice.

"That was...... too fast," I said to myself. I couldn't help but smile. 


That girl is something else. I chuckle, she's kind of cute when she's running. I smiled remembering that silly girl, Melony.

"Oh! ... Why are you smiling like that?" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing Baekhyun's voice.

"Like what?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Like ... someone who's in love." I almost choke.

What? L-love? he must be joking. He should be. When did I ever love someone? As much as I know there wasn't a word like 'love' in my dictionary. I look at Baekhyun and he was smirking at me.


He shook his head giving me a playful smile. I frown at him. 'What's wrong with him? Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with that fellow.'

"Nothing. I just felt a strange aura, like a girl is behind your smile."

Everyone started to laugh. I rolled my eyes. There were twelve of us and we're known as EXO. We're not that bad but we aren't good either. Now there are only nine of us. We're popular in both school and Seoul. School is under our control even though there are those ridiculous flower boys in there that got a principal as their father. But they're nothing like us. And no one dares to go against our orders.

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