Pt 2

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DanzNewz Part 

I woke up after a few hours to aleks phone ringing looking at him i see him past out in my arms as i kissed his forhead and reached for it, I answered it whinceing as i dropped it rubbing my ear. as I looked it i saw it was edwin. 

Raiseing it to my ear i heard sly and james? yea james sobbing "Sly let me talk with seamus." I mummer as i heard movement then seamus's voice "Yea Dan?" He asked as I sighed aleks mummering softly and curling to me "well, Jordan and James went on a date, james was slight drunk but, James saw somthing or what ever and jordan pushed him out the way but, got hit..." He stated his voice slight crack at the end. I sighed rubbing my temples imagining a injered Jordan i felt bad for james. 

"Alright let me wake up aleks and we will come by." I state as he agreed "alright.", Hanging up i slightly shook Aleks as he mubbled somthing curling closer as I smiled getting up he let out a loud whine before opening his eyes "Dannnn wwhhyyy you do this?" He asked his arms around my neck as I smiled "We need to go to the hospital." I state getting dress as he got dressed looking at me "Um, why?" He asked as I kissed him 

"Jordan." He stated as we walked to my car, as i began to drive. Aleks fell asleep in the car waiting at the light seamus called my phone as i grabbed it "Hey seamus. How is jordan?" I asked as he sighed "Um. He seems to be fine but, James is a fucking mess...It's Dan...He is coming over with Aleks...Don't be a dick." Seamus sighed as i chuckled softly "Look seamus we are almost there." I state as Seamus agreed last thing i heard was a sleepy Sly fox

At the hospital, we walked in on the most fucked up thing i think anyone could ever see. Jordan was connected to so many I.V's and a mask on his face bandages wraped on him. Aleks went to comfort james for once as I sat next to jordan Seamus had Sly in his arms as James was in aleks arms...Fucking hell 

Laying back i read the medical papers. Hearing one loud beep we all turned to jordan who was twitching crazily, Our breathes held as he continued to twitch his breathing shakey as James's eyes grew wide as his moniter flatlighned. 


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