Chapter 1

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"Food food food~" A cheerful quiet voice sang. The voice was coming from a boy. A boy with fangs like a vampire and ears and a tail like a cat. The boy had blue-black hair with blood red eyes. His ears and tail were the same colour as his hair. His tail had a snow-white tip at the end. He wore a midnight blue shirt with black jeans and black sneakers. He was the vampire cat.

He sat in a tree, spying on a girl who was walking with headphones on. His tail swished from side to side, waiting so silently to pounce on his prey. When the girl was a good distance away from him, he jumped down from the tree and landed quietly. Just as he was about to grab her and suck all the blood from her body, a low wolf howl rang throughout the night. The vampire turned his head to find a large black wolf with a white tipped ear and a large bushy tail standing on the opposite side of the street. The girl screamed and started to run from the wolf. The vampire was shocked. He turned his head to the wolf that was now in human form.

"Oi bastard! What the heck was that for?!" The vampire shouted to the wolf boy as he made his way towards the vampire. The wolf boy only chuckled and stuck out his hand. 
"My my my... I'm Ryner. What is your name little kitten~?" The wolf boy brought his face closer to the vampire.

The vampire took a large step back and said, "I'm Zak. Now fuck off." As Zak turned to look for another prey, he felt an arm snake around his waist. 
"Now now Kitten... Where do you think you're going?" Ryner whispered into Zak's cat ear, which made it twitch from the heat. Zak blushed a little and wriggled his way out of Ryner's arms. He glared at Ryner then stormed off without answering Ryner's question. Ryner chuckled and said to himself, "What an interesting vampire cat..."

Around midnight, Zak snuck into a girl's bedroom. He carefully opened the window and silently climbed through. He shut the window and softly crawled to the bed where the girl was peacefully sleeping. As he stood and bared his fangs- ready to bite the girl, she woke up and screamed. Zak jumped back and quickly took out a cloth. He pounced on the girl and wrapped the cloth around her mouth. "Shh shh shh... It's ok... This is only gonna hurt a little bit~" Zak wrapped his arms around the girl then bit into her neck. The girl kept struggling but soon enough, she went limp. Zak smiled as he kept drinking the sweet blood of the girl. 
"Mmm... Too sweet but at least I got something..." Zak said as he left the girl's corpse on the bed. He climbed out of the window again and left to go back to his house- a mansion. Little did he know, a certain someone was following him…


When Zak reached his mansion, he opened the door and there stood his butler. "Good evening my Prince. Is everything all right?" His butler bowed to him then stood upright, waiting for any orders. Zak nodded his head to indicate all was fine. 
"Keita. Get me a coffee with a slice of cheesecake. I'll be in my study." Zak waved the butler off and walked up a flight of stairs. Keita bowed to Zak and made his way to the kitchen to fulfil his master's needs. As Zak came to a large door, he stopped and sighed. 
"Geez... Why must being a fucking vampire prince be so hard..." Zak opened his door and to his surprise, there was someone sitting at his desk. As he was trying to figure out who it was, the person started to chuckle. 
"Nice place you've got here Kitten~"

Zak growled. "How the fuck did you get here Ryner?!" Zak spun his chair around and there sat Ryner, cross-legged and smiling. Ryner simply let out a small laugh then replied. 
"I followed you. How else Kitten?" Ryner purred into Zak's ear and Zak let a blush form on his cheeks. Ryner only chuckled at his reaction. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. 
"Excuse me my Prince. I have your coffee and cheesecake." Keita opened the door with a tray that carried a coffee cup, a plunger with coffee and a plate that had the most beautiful cheesecake ever seen. 
"Wow Kitten... I didn't know you were a prince... Maybe I should start calling you Prince Kitty~" Ryner teased Zak. He took Zak's hand and planted a soft kiss on it. Zak blushed and yanked his hand away.

"Keita. Just put the tray there and get this idiotic bastard out of my fucking sight." Zak pointed to Ryner who sat in his chair pretending to look hurt. Keita nodded and placed the tray down.
"Of course my Prince." Keita bowed to Zak then walked up to Ryner. "Excuse me sir but the Prince is busy today. You must take your leave now. I shall show you out." Keita gestured to the study door and Ryner sighed. 
"Hey, Kitten. I'll be coming back. But for now, I want you to think about being my hunting partner. I saw you take that girl's life. I need someone like you as a partner. I'll be back tomorrow for my answer." And with that, Ryner got up and walked out of the study, Keita following behind. Before Keita led Ryner out of the mansion, he turned to Zak, bowed and closed the study door. Zak sighed with relief and took the plate that held the cheesecake. He ate a bit of it then placed it down on his table. 
"Hunting partners huh...? Ha! As if Ryner..." Zak took another bite from his cheesecake and then finally, started his princely work.


The next morning, Zak woke up to someone shaking him lightly. "My Prince. You have a visitor." 
"Nnnh... Keita... It's too early..." Zak rolled over, ignoring his butler. Keita- however, didn't give up. 
"My Prince. I tried telling the man to leave but he refuses to go without an answer. Please my Prince. You must get up and talk to this man." Keita kept shaking Zak until he heard a voice at the door of Zak's room.
"Oi butler. I'll take it from here." Zak's eyes widened and he instantly sat up. Keita was standing at the doorway and a guy with a wolf tail and a pair of wolf ears was standing next to his bed. "Good morning Prince Kitty~. Sleep well?" The guy slipped into the bed with Zak and wrapped his arms around the vampire's body.

"RYNER! Get off me!" Zak shouted as he tried pushing Ryner off. Keita had already left the two, closing the door before he had disappeared. 
"Zaaak~" Ryner purred into Zak's ear which made the vampire cat blush a deep red. 
"Wh-what the fuck do you want Ryner...?" 
"You of course~" As he said this, Ryner started leaving a soft trail of kisses down Zak's neck. 
"Nnnh! St-stop it Ry-Ryner...!" Zak tried to push Ryner off but there was no way Ryner was letting Zak go. Ryner grabbed Zak's chin and tilted Zak's face towards his.
"Kitten... Let me have you~" Ryner gave Zak a forceful kiss on the lips. Zak was squirming around and finally; he managed to slap Ryner's face. Zak was blushing deep red but he was furious.

He glared at Ryner then let out a sigh. "I'll be your hunting partner... but in exchange, I don't want you to be doing any of those things!" Zak pouted and turned away. Ryner smirked.
"Of course my Kitten~"

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