Chapter 7 //FINAL CHAPTER//

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Zak felt like killing Track. There in the middle of the room- naked and covered in cum, was Ryner. He had blood running down his body and his face was smothered in cum. His hands and feet were chained down, restricting him to any movement. Zak saw that Track had a whip in his hand.

"Heh, like what you are seeing Cat?" Track mocked. He lifted his hand with the whip and was about to swing down.

"KEITA! NOW!" Zak shouted as he frantically leaped in front of Ryner, trying to protect his beloved from the attack. Keita stopped Track in mid air, the whip falling limp from no force. Track growled as Zak quickly tore off the chains that held Ryner.

"Nnnh..." Ryner groaned. His eyes didn't open which worried the vampire cat. Zak held the werewolf's body close to him. He cried softly- his tears landing on Ryner's face.

"R-Ryner... D-don't leave... P-please..." Zak hid his face in Ryner's soft hair. Keita still held Track in place- Track was wiggling around.

"HEY! CAT! Get your fucking butler off me!" Track shouted at Zak. This made Zak even madder than before. He gently placed Ryner on the floor- placing his head on a spare shirt he found, and made his way to Track. Track snickered. "What are ya gonna do? Oh no~! I'm going to get fucking eaten by a vampire cat! You know I'm immortal, all demons are!"

"Pfft! No creature is immortal. That is just what you think... Let him go Keita," Zak commanded. Keita nodded his head and let Track fall to the floor. Zak picked him up by his collar and threw him out of the window and off the balcony. "Now Keita! Use that!"

"Of course my Prince." Keita stood out on the balcony and started to mumble something.

As Keita said that, millions of fire lions- sizes of monster trucks by the way, appeared around the demon village. Keita was able to control them all at once, however this strategy drained energy very quickly. The lions ran through the village- setting houses on fire as well as crops and other buildings. Zak walked out on the balcony- stood next to Keita to support him and watched as demons scattered all about. His eyes scanned over the crowds, looking for someone specific. When his eyes spotted the familiar blood red hair with jet-black highlights, he smirked. Track was running with everyone else- fleeing from the powerful fire lions. Demons burned and died on the spot. The only place that wasn't burned was Track's house.

"Ha! I can run back to my house! I'll be safe there!" Track shouted as he ran around the bits of fire and demons. Just as he neared the entrance of his own home, Track was suddenly flung back. "Wh-what the fuck?!"

"Haha! Did you think I would be stupid enough to let you guys in the only place that isn't being harmed? I placed a fucking barrier that doesn't let anyone in... And that includes bastards like you!" Zak spat at Track, hitting him fair and square on the forehead.

"FUCK! Why the fucking hell did you spit on me?!" Track wiped off the spit that was stuck on his forehead.

"Cuz I fucking could!" Zak poked his tongue out causing Track to growl loudly. As Zak laughed in victory, Keita was sweating madly.

"M-my Prince... I-I-I can't... C-control them f-for... M-m-much longer..." Keita's hands were shaking as his energy was quickly fading away. Zak immediately stopped laughing and ran to get a spare towel and food.

"Keita! Here. The best way to restore energy is to keep cool and eat," Zak stated as he used to the towel to wipe away the beads of sweat. He fed Keita some food and soon, Keita was able to control the lions for another 1 hour. Zak continued to watch as the demon clan was killed one by one. His eyes looked over all the dead demons. 'Immortals huh...? Yeah right...' he thought. His eyes landed on a demon couple.

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