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It turned out there was another similarly that Miotalan Mating ceremonies shared with western weddings, and that was the post-celebration holiday - the honeymoon.

After all of the time spent being confined to cells and ships, Sunny was no longer a fan of the indoors. Oh, she was happy enough to sleep and eat inside, but spending too long surrounded by four walls made her uncomfortable.

Kilnor had taken that into consideration when picking the destination, and rather than taking Sunny anywhere fancy (his words, not hers), he had simply taken her to his home. Not his work apartment in the city, but a sprawling lodge on his home continent.

Sunny could not have been happier with her mate's choice.

They had spent their time laughing and making love and frolicking in the stream that ran through his property. Kilnor had shown her the beautifully metallic trees that made up their forests, and Sunny had understood just how the Miotalans had evolved to have the beautiful colours that they did.

"Are you happy?"

The words came from behind her, jerking her from her thoughts. Sunny turned to face her mate with a smile. He stood in the doorway to his house, golden eyes fixed on hers, waiting for her answer.

"Of course," Sunny replied, as she had done every time he had posed the question to her. "I am with you."

It was Kilnor's turn to smile, and he took a seat next to Sunny on the rocker, his added weight setting it in motion. Sunny wasted no time in curling up next to him, every inch of his body now as familiar to her as her own.

They rocked in silence, enjoying each other's company, thoughts drifting.

Sunny's drifted, as they often did, to her time spent in the cold sterile lab. But not to how miserable and hopeless she had felt. No, she was determined not to think on that.

Her thoughts went to the name engraved in the floor.


"We will find her, yes?"

Kilnor knew exactly where her thoughts had gone. If his constant question was to ask if she was happy, hers was to find this other human girl.

"She will be found, rianhar."

He made no promises as to the state she would be in when they did, or whether she would even still be living, but she would be found.

A/N: Let me know what you think! The next story will be Cade's.

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