Chapter Twenty

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The longer the ceremony went on the more nervous Imogen became and now they were settling in for the reception they were out of control. Her heart was pounding, her palms were sweating and her mouth was dry; looking Charlie wasn't helping either, he was wearing a grey suit, white shirt and skinny tie combo that made him look amazing. Whenever he smiled at her it almost took her breath away, it was not going to be easy letting him out of her life; she couldn't believe how quickly he'd gone from being on her public enemy list to being one of the most important people in her life.

The ceremony had been beautiful, all fresh flowers and white cleanness and of the church looked wonderful; Daisy had always known she'd get married in the same church as their parents and of course her mum had lapped it up. Even the weather was behaving itself, two weeks before Christmas London was normally dismal: cold, grey, dull, damp; but today it was bright, still and the thin layer of snow was picture perfect.

There had been no last minute problems like there usually was on these occasions and Daisy and Sam were all loved up again after their pre-wedding spat. Charlie squeezed her hand as he helped her out of the car, they had pulled up outside the hall where the reception was being held and her legs felt like jelly. As soon as she was stood on the pavement she could begin to feel them weaken and leant on Charlie for support, he took her hand in his and looked her in the eyes giving her an encouraging smile that really wasn't helping keep her upright.

A red carpet had been laid out leading them to the main hall, bouquets of white roses lined the walk matching the ones that had been presented in the church. "I haven't had chance to say this yet, but you look breath-taking!" Charlie whispered in her ear so only she could hear and she shivered at his words and the feel of him so close to her.

When they got into the hall it had been draped in white material and looked like a winter wonderland, more white roses decorated each table and thousands of silver and white snowflakes hung from the ceiling above them. The tables had been set up around the outside leaving space for a dancefloor in the centre of the room; along the top wall a stage had been set up with a band's equipment including a drum kit and a keyboard; her own guitar was leant up against the wall behind ready for later. On the left of the stage was a rectangular table set up for the wedding party.

Imogen looked round in awe, other people were beginning to enter the hall, most of them congregating around the seating chart to see where they should sit. Her Aunt Sally pulled away from the group and came over to see her. "You look beautiful Imogen, as did Daisy her dress was gorgeous. At least she didn't have any bloody birds like Michelle, you don't know how hard it is to get bird shit out of a white wedding dress. Hello again Charlie." Imogen laughed nervously unable to speak, luckily Charlie was good at talking to people.

Guests were beginning to take their places and her parents arrived trying to get everyone seated before Daisy and Sam walked in. Imogen reluctantly left Charlie at his table and went to the head of the room, frantically trying to remember the words to her speech and the song she and Charlie had to perform later. The happy couple arrived to cheers and whoops and took their place at the head table so the dinner could begin. Salmon, cheesecake and what seemed like half a cow later it was finally time for the moment Imogen was dreading.

She sat through the hilarious best man's speech and her nerves only increased, how the hell was she meant to follow something like that? When her name was introduced she stood shaking and took the microphone in a trembling hand and turned towards the audience gathered before her. She took one last deep breath and spotted Charlie at his table looking straight at her and smiling. Well here goes.

"Daisy and I have always been close, we're completely different people but we accept each other and love each other for that. Ever since we were children our wedding plans have been like that too, Daisy always wanted the big white wedding and Prince Charming Husband whereas I was never really interested in anything big as long as I had a man who loved me for who I am." She glanced at Charlie and saw his smile widen slightly and a little wink that sent her heart racing again.

"However with today and with Sam, Daisy has definitely gotten both our dream weddings, she's found her Prince Charming who loves her for who she is. Someone once told me that the Greeks believe that humans were created with four arms, four legs and two faces; however Zeus thought that they would be too powerful and split them in half, condemning them to search for their partner who completed them. And I believe that that is what Daisy and Sam have found in each other."

"Within each other they have found their soulmate, their best friend, their partner in crime. Both have found that one special person who accepts their faults and loves them in spite of their faults and because of their faults. That one person who makes them feel special even when they feel awful, who says they're beautiful even when they look their worst and who would give up anything to be with the other." She looked around the room at the tear-rimmed faces of the guests, finishing on Charlie who also seemed to have shiny eyes as he grinned at her.

"I think true love is rare in the world we live in, but Sam and Daisy have definitely found it with each other. So I ask you to raise a toast to the happy couple and wish them good luck in marriage and long may their love continue. To Sam and Daisy!" She raised her champagne flute and listened as her words echoed around the room, Daisy stood and hugged her, tears running down her face.

"Thanks Immie, that was beautiful. Really beautiful." Daisy looked at her and Imogen found tears beginning to form in her own eyes. Daisy returned to her seat and kissed Sam. Imogen placed her glass down on the table and turned back to the room.

"I would now like to welcome Sam and Daisy to the floor for their first dance." Charlie discreetly left his table and met her at the staging area, grabbing both their guitars from the wall at the back. Daisy gave her a questioning look as she got into position with Sam, she and Charlie took their seats on the stage and looked at each other as they counted in to start the song. As she sang she kept her eyes firmly on Charlie's, never daring to look away at the crowd or at the couple dancing in the middle.

When they had finished applause resounded around the room, both managed to tear their eyes away from each other to take it in. Daisy and Sam had stopped in the dancefloor to applaud the rest of the guests were on their feet clapping as well. Imogen flushed at all the attention, she stood and changed the height of the microphone as Charlie removed their guitars back to the wall again.

"Let me introduce your wedding band for the rest of the night: The Lilacs!" She moved from the stage as the actual band made their way on and took up their positions with their instruments and instantly lurched into an upbeat version of "How sweet it is". When she'd got down to the dancefloor, Daisy, Sam and her parents were there to congratulate her, all saying how beautiful it was and that they didn't know she could sing like that.

She shyly took their congratulations and entered onto the floor when Charlie offered her his hand, they hadn't danced together since the lesson with Sam and Daisy; so much had changed since then. She delighted in the touch of his hand on her waist and the warmth of his body against hers; dancing had never been her thing, but she stay in Charlie's arms like this forever. If only they weren't going to split up soon.

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