the party

792 44 18

June 31, 2017

Loud music blared throughout the whole house and into the backyard. For some reason, the DJ was playing 'you are my sunshine'. A strange choice for a teen party but I didn't mind, I hummed along happily. It was dark outside but the fairy lights hung around the house made the atmosphere feel cozy and warm- regardless of what was happening inside (or outside) of the house.

I sat on the patio steps in the backyard looking up at the night sky, trying to clear my mind. I may have had one too many drinks tonight but that doesn't matter. The stars were nowhere to be seen; hidden away behind ominous clouds and the soft glow of the moon.

"Hey who's down for another round of beer pong in the backyard?" An unfamiliar voice cried from inside the house.

I rolled my eyes, great, obnoxious boys. Looking down at my phone, I saw that it was already getting pretty late. Danielle was my ride home so I figured I would go look for her.

Sweaty bodies danced in the heat of the night as I awkwardly squeezed through, trying to find my friend.

Things got kind of awkward after her confession to me the other day. She told me that she had cheated on Lucas. I was close friends with both of them so I had no idea what to do. Danielle promised that it was a one time thing and wouldn't happen again. It felt like she was about to tell me something else but in the end chose to bite her tongue and stay silent.

The upstairs of this house was ominously quiet except for a hushed voice coming from one of the rooms. I shouldn't have been eavesdropping on someone's conversation but it became clear as I got closer to the room that the voice belonged to Danielle.

Instead of calling out her name and interrupting her call, something in me told me that was a bad idea. I stood outside, leaning my head close to the door to try and get a listen.

"Hey daddy" she greeted.

That was strange.

Lucas is downstairs, why should she need to be on the phone with him?

"Yeah everything's going just as planned. Turns out he's even more loaded than I thought he was. I'm just waiting for the right opportunity to get into his dad's office and find the bank account documents..."

She paused for a moment, projecting her voice towards the door. "Is anyone there?"

Immediately, I pinned myself to the wall beside the door, breathing silently and hoping that she didn't hear me. Whatever she was talking about, it seemed really suspicious.

"Anyways," She continued, "you're a horrible detective, dad. When we were doing research before moving out here, you said you were sure it was Farkle. Turns out you sent me to the wrong boy. Lucas is just his friend, it's Farkle who's dad is crazy rich."

Oh. She was talking to her father.

Danielle sighed heavily, "Whatever, I think that Farkle kid is a faggot anyways, maybe it's better that I use his straight best friend to get into his dad's bank account."

Heading that word made me so angry, I wanted to run into the room and snatch the phone she was talking to and break it into a million pieces. People can call me whatever they want but when it comes to Farkle, I'm more protective of him than anyone else in the world. My fists clenched angrily and my nails pierced into my palm.

I was starting to calm down when all of a sudden, my phone fell out of my pocket and onto the floor- causing a loud cluttering sound.


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