Chapter 7

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I was shaking,I couldn't help myself but think what if he doesn't want us there.
Everyone was waiting, there were 5 girls and then I was next.

I swear I couldn't hear my heart from emotions, happiness & excitement were all over the place.

This was the day I was waiting, to see him and feel that hug.

I was next, this was my dream and I should go inside.A security guard asked me if I was next, I nodded and followed him.We were walking & now we stopped in front of a door, I knew he was inside.The security guard opened the door and here I saw him.

His back was facing me and he was talking to someone & in that moment he turned around and smiled lightly, I smiled back and he closed the call.Right now words weren't enough it was like I couldn't breathe.

Without thinking I started walking towards him and hugged him while crying.He hugged back more tight & now I was whispering thank you and love u every second.We pulled away after 2 minutes & right now we was looking at each other.I didn't notice a tear escaped his eye.We hugged each other again without saying a word.

I pulled away and started talking.
"Justin, im sorry for hugging so tight.I am Lele one of ur beliebers.I just can't describe how happy and emotional I am right now.I wanna thank u for being the best motivation for me and many more beliebers.
I wanna thank u for every song u did & for everything u did for us im forever grateful, we are forever grateful.I love u more than words can ever tell.I just... he started talking "Lele I love u too and all of you, u all make me happy and I am so blessed having u all" I hugged him and he whispered "Ur smelling so good" I blushed and giggled.
We talked about many more things & I asked for a picture.We did a few and when I was about to walk away he gave me a letter "Open this when u will go home", I nodded and smiled.
We hugged one more time & I walked away.

After I went out I breathed in and out and smiled. I started walking & once I reached home I opened my phone & went to my pictures.I looked at them and smiled lightly.
I went upstairs in my bathroom & then in bed.Once I remembered I opened the letter and it read....

hi guys sorry for not being active, I promise I am trying.There's chapter 7 and hope u like it.More interesting parts are coming, much love 💜💜💜

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