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Everyday when I come home I use my time well to chat or have fun with my friends.
Until my mom comes home, at home I don't really have a great time, at home I feel like a punching bag or a stuffed toy. When my mom comes home from work or school she's always stressed out.

So when she is at home she will only see all my mistakes or anyone's mistakes, she will start scolding me, punch me and even dare to slap me. I always do what she tells me 'cause I'm afraid she'll start to beat me up again.

I cry myself too sleep every night, everyday I fake a smile and have gotten used to it so it seems normal. My friends and even my stepdad didn't even know about this, she always calls me the worst names she can come up with.

She always say that all of this is what's best for me, I just want to yell out loud "nobody is PERFECT, even the first human being wasn't PERFECT. If you think that beating up you're children is the best way to discipline them so they can become as perfect as you wanted well guess what you're wrong, let you're children decide for their lives, not from the lesson you're teaching!!"

"Just so you may know everyday I wish I would get hit by a car or get shot in the head... I just wish I wasn't born.... I'm tired of all the times you beat me. I want to live my own life where I'm the one to decide and learn from my mistakes."

At school they may think that I'm living a wonderful life... but they don't know the story of my life.... I don't trust people easily.

This story might not be as good as the others, but hope u like it.
And sorry if this is a bit short I just came up with it now..

Abuse - Suga x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now