Chapter 6

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Ch 6

The school bell rang on Friday afternoon, dismissing the students for the weekend. Kids flooded out of the building, excited to have some time to themselves after a tough week of studying for finals. The end of the school year was only two weeks away, and everyone was ready for summer vacation.

Marinette practically ran home to get ready for her date with Adrien. He'd been pretty aloof the past week. It worried her. Her parents greeted her as she busted through the front door, but they knew she was in a hurry and didn't bother her much. Upstairs, her outfit was already laid out on the bed. She planned it last night and laid it out before school in the morning so it would be there when she got home.

The shower filled the bathroom up with steam, and Marinette felt like a new person. It had been a while since she felt this content with life. She hummed quietly while the hot water ran over her, but deep down something felt like it was missing. She missed Tikki desperately. If life was easy they could just be together, no strings attached. It was nice to have a friend who could be there for you anytime you needed them. She had Alya, but it wasn't quite the same.

Marinette reminded herself that things were going much better for her now, and that her decisions were for the best. She even had a chance with Adrien, which reminded her that she was getting ready for a date and not questioning her decisions. She finished getting ready and headed to the park. If she was lucky, he might actually kiss her today.

Kiss... Adrien... It was a dream come true. As LadyBug, she never had much time for dating. She and Luka had gone out a couple times but nothing had ever come of it. There was also the matter of Chat Noir, who she kissed a week ago. She never told him it was her first, excluding family and dares. Part of her wanted to save it for Adrien, but another part of her liked being able to say that Chat Noir had that honor. Not that she could tell anyone. No one would believe her if she did.

It was almost time to go, so Marinette slipped her shoes on and left. The walk to the park was very calm and quiet, and there seemed to be very few people out. It was unusual for the streets to be this deserted on a Friday. Nevertheless, Marinette made her way to the end of the park and picked a bench to sit on. She was early, so she opened up her sketchbook and tried to design something.

Usually, she'd base designs off of people she saw out and about, but the pickings were slim today, as it seemed everyone who was out seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. Instead, she touched up on things she had already begun, but couldn't really concentrate. She was anxious to see Adrien again, and she swore to herself that she would get that kiss today. Anyone would have a hard time concentrating under such pressure. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, and Marinette was getting antsy. She fiddled with her hair, but ended up sitting on her hands as not to ruin it. It had taken quite some time to perfect. Marinette was nowhere near as good with hair as Alya.

The clock finally struck five, and Marinette looked around anxiously for Adrien, but he was nowhere to be seen yet. 'That's okay,' she thought to herself. 'Everyone runs late from time to time,' but as the minutes passed, Marinette began to worry. It was half past five, and Adrien hadn't even texted to let her know he was going to be late. What if he stood her up? Marinette shook the thought from her head and unlocked her phone screen. She brought up Adrien's contact page and composed a message.

'Hey, everything okay? Let me know if you're still going to make it tonight.'

'Stupid,' she thought, but she sent it anyway. It was easier than calling. Twenty more minutes passed but she still got no answer. She picked up her phone again, intent on calling to either A: Make sure Adrien hadn't been in some sort of accident or B: chew him out for standing her up, but a low rumble stopped her. She put down the phone and looked around, but couldn't locate the source of the noise. Back on track, she picked it back up and got ready to press the call button, but the ground rumbled again, more loudly this time, and from around the side of a building burst Chat Noir tangled in battle with what had to be an akuma victim.

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