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Hello lovely readers. YES this is book two of Ketchup and just like the last book, it is complete but I will be updating everyday or every other day because.... well because I a have other plans mwahahahhaha.
anywhoooooooooo lets get it!!!!


I laid the last article of clothing into my suitcase. I was not ready for the sudden change I had to adapt to soon in England, but it was worth the experience. I left my dorm room and I felt the crips August wind envelope around me as soon as I stepped outside, in a way, it reminded me to have my last cup of cinnamon caramel coffee before I leave.

My single suitcase got dragged on the tiled sidewalk as new scratchs were born onto the wheels. The sign, 'Café Tribe' came into my vision range soon after. My lips immidiatly started to play into a smile. It felt like home, and the thought of leaving was already spine shivering enough.

A honk startled my out of my thoughts; I looked to my right to witness my brothers in his car parked across the street. I walked over to let him know I had acknowleged his presence.

"Let' go." he blurted.

"Wait, can I get my coffee first?" I asked giving him a cheeky smile.

"Make it quick geek." Yoongi replied looking away. I threw a quick thank you to him, put my laugage in the car and went into the café.


The waiter laid down the freshly brewed drink in front of me and I instantly felt my insides warm up, I leaned in to take a sniff. Its aroma played around in my nose and it felt pleasant, the bitter smell of the boiled coffee beans with the sweet aroma of caramel and cinnamon contradicting each other but clashing in perfect harmony. I took a sip and it was satisfying, I felt a vibration in my pocket, probably a text from Yoongi to get myself back in the car.

I dug into my pockets left the needed bill on the table and forgot my drink behind.

Caramel  -Book II- knj ✅Where stories live. Discover now