• Shoot.

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That evening Haechan left since Mark was in a better  condition.

Time skip•

The younger finally arrived at Mark's house and parked his car.
He grabbed the spare key and unlocked the door knowing damn well that the older wouldn't even bother to open it.

He took off his shoes and walked towards the bedroom where the older was sleeping.

Haechan eyed the older who was sleeping on his stomach, one arm hanging down from the bed.
Messy bed hair sticking out.

A pillow was laying on the floor, his shirt was halfway up revealing his lower back.

Haechan sighed and walked towards the bed.

"Oh my god, do you have a full time job of looking like an idiot?"  The younger said picking the pillow up and putting it back on the bed.

The older didnt even move an inch.

"Get up you dumbass." The younger said again and shook the older a little.

"Nhgm." The older groaned

"Wake your ass upp!! I swear I'm going to jump on you if you don't get up now." The younger warned

The older was too sleepy to even open his eyes let alone get up.

"GET UP YOU FUCKER! I swear I don't get paid enough for this bullshit." The younger groaned taking off his shoes.

He jumped on the older's back sitting down on top of him.

"AHRGH! YA!" The older growled in his raspy morning voice

"Ohh Mork Lee you sound sexy!" The younger teased slapping his back

"AH! YA DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE?" The older growled

The younger was laughing but soon stopped when Mark switched their position and pinned him down hovering above him.

"I kinda do, but I still want to see exo live." The younger said

Mark rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes I really want to murder you with my own hands." The older groaned and let go of the younger.

"Whatever Lee. Go get ready, we gotta go to an interview and a photoshoot." The younger said

Mark sighed and left the bed to get ready.

The younger just laid down on the bed enjoying the silent house with the only sound of the shower.

After 20 minutes the bathroom door unlocked and Mark stepped out with a towel wrapped around his torso.

The younger was still laying down on his bed with his eyes close.

Mark smirked and walked towards him as quiet as he could.
He wanted to scare the younger.

When he was almost enough, he slipped cause of his feet still being wet.

"AGH!" He screamed and fell on top of the younger his lips almost touching the younger's but luckily he they didn't kiss.

"YA! YOU SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME" he yelled looking up at the older

But soon his expressions changed into a soft one when he saw the older's hair still wet, water dripping down his neck and upper body.

"Well, I was going for that. But I wasn't planning on actually falling tho." The older said laughing

"Get the fuck off me then you idiot." The younger groaned

"Can't talk nice for once?" The older asked

"If it's you, then absolutely not. You're the last person who deserves to be talked nice to." The younger said

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