♤2: No thanks.♤

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  We're camping right now, and some teen boy was in the site next to us, and my mom said, "Hey look a teen boy! You should go have a summer romance!"

  I don't know how to feel about this...

  I mean, I did get nauseous and almost throw up cause I'm really repulsed today, for whatever reason.

  Also, I look ten cause this trans boyo doesn't have any testosteroni in his system yet, and he looked roughly 18, which would be illegal since he's a legal adult, and he would most likely be 2 years older than me anyways, so let's not break any laws here.

  And then there's a bit of dysphoria cause my mom's not very accepting of me being trans, and she wasn't accepting of me when I originally came out as bi ♤which I'm not♤ so I'm not sure if she thinks of it as a straight relationship, since when I jokingly say "I'm gay" she says that I'm not, and she's never said that about a girl...

  All I know is that this is a no situation in all forms. I don't want to date anyone, probably ever, and if I ever did, I would probably have to be in a QPR with them for quite a long time before calling them my girlfriend/boyfriend/date mate.

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