♤31: Arospec rant because romance fucking sucks♤

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  I hate romance so much. Like, don't exist please, thanks.

  It makes me really fucking confused if I experience it or not, and if I want it or not.

  Part of me is like, "Hell yeah, romance is neato" and the other part is like "Nahhhhh, you've got a cat, why would you want a date mate?"

  It's probably just an aroflux thing but god it's so annoying.

For example, some days, I have no feelings for my mesh, none whatsoever. Not even the meshy feelings. It's like "oh that's Earnestyna, k great" and I move on. Then some days it's more like, "Damn, she's rad. I wanna be with her, but like, not in a romo way. Just cuddles and emotional shit, y'know?" Then some days, like today and yesterday, it's more like, "Agh, she's so pretty, and smart, and hilarious, and I really wanna hold her hand, and kiss her and be her date mate and shit"

  Why??? Like fuck off feelings and brain. I hate you. Get outta here.

  I want a simple relationship, either none ♤y'know, friendship♤, some ♤a QPR♤, or all ♤a romo relationship♤.

  Why does it have to be so heckin complicated???

  Part of me wants to hop into a relationship to test it out, and see how i feel, but I already know it's gonna be horrid because I'm gonna make the other person feel shitty when I run out of the room and almost vomit because the other person tapped my shoulder.

   I just

   Brain, emotions.

  Stop this. Please. Your annoying as shit, and i hope you die, k thanks.

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