Chapter 6

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Alex: hey

Amelia: hi

Alex: do u have the hw???? Jake doesn't and idk what it is

Amelia: wait we had hw? Oh lol idk either

Alex: xD

Alex: What do u think of the new kdi?

Alex: kid*

Amelia: he's kinda weird. When he sat next to me he stared at my eyes for a really long time

Alex: yeah thats creepy

Amelia: and he was muttering some stuff that just made no sense

Alex: what did he say??

Amelia: well he was all like 'she has pretty eyes' then he would say 'i guess but we dont need a new pair' and then 'but there really pretty' and 'maybe in a week these arent very easy to see from'

Alex: Amelia...

Amelia: what

Alex: that sounds really wrong and scary

Amelia: hes just weird

Alex: he was having a conversation with himself about taking ur eyes

Alex: r u sure he said 'we'?
Amelia: yeah

Alex: maybe hes possessed or something

Amelia: lol yeah maybe

Alex: no im serious. U dont just sit and start talking to urself about how u want to take someones eyes unless theres something wrong with u

Amelia: i guess

Alex: what was his name again?

Amelia: Fui Mortui

Amelia: Liam was making fun of him

Alex: already???? He just GOT here

Amelia: ikr

Amelia: well Liams a bully so dont worry. Just be glad he hasnt come to u yet

Alex: amelia


Amelia: lol hey i was in the shower whassup

Alex: thats not his name

Amelia: what? I'm lost

Alex: fui mortui is latin. It means 'i was dead'

Amelia: oh crap

Amelia: its probably a joke or something

Amelia: we're on a prank show!!!!!

Amelia: haha pls stop

Alex: I looked it up and apparently theres this creature that is born dead. I dont get it either but it steals body parts from living souls to live. It has to keep replacing them.

Amelia: so it wants to take my eyes to see from???????
Amelia: wait what happens to people who get their body parts taken???

Alex: ...... they die

Alex: im sorry Amelia

Alex: u have to run

Amelia: Was brushing my teeth

Alex: can u NOT leave when we're discussing ur murder?
Amelia: fine.

Alex: so what r u gonna do?

Amelia: hes at my house

Alex: WHAT

Amelia: he told my parents he was my friend and needs help on the hw

Amelia: and he's wearing sunglasses

Alex: RUN
Amelia: I can't. Hes right here

Alex: u cant be alone with him!
Amelia: if Im with my family will he try to take their body too???!??
Alex: maybe

Amelia: then its safer to me staying here with him

Alex: NO


Amelia: Goodbye



Amelia Blanken was found dead in her room. Her eyes were gouged out of her and her parents have given a possible suspect. If you hear a man or women giving you compliments about your looks please take them lightly and do not say anything more than thank you. It seems as if someone is going around to people and harvesting their body parts to create a human. This person is unstable but we do not have a description. Their name is Fui Mortui, but that may change. Please be safe. Amelia's funeral will be held in three days time at the local church. All may come and pay their respects.

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