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Overwhelming skyscrapers, illuminated with vibrant lights displaying various different ads and billboards,surround the streets as Rebecca stares in awe through the speckled window of the cab. As her eyes scan the space, she is unable to focus on one specific thing as the streets teem with life. Still enthralled by the atmosphere, the cab pulls up on the nearby curb and finally halts to sharp stop. "That'll be 7.50" the slightly rugged looking driver informs in a thick New York accent as the young woman pulls a $10 from her purse. "Here you are. Thank you very much" says pushing open the door and making her way to the trunk to retrieve her suitcase. Once she had her bag, the yellow vehicle screeched away once again and joined the deafening traffic of Times Square.
It was then, that Rebecca took a deep breath and took in the huge city. This was it; this is what she'd been dreaming of since she was that little girl watching actresses on tv and mimicking their every move, hoping one day to be just like them. Well truth be told, this was half of it. All Rebecca ever wanted was to move to New York and become an actress, the truth was however for that, money was of course needed. The woman was from a rural village in Cambridge, from a quiet family, but since the girl was around 8 years old she knew she wanted more people than the dull life Cambridge had to offer. She had also always looked mature for her age, so from the mere age of fourteen the girl started getting small jobs and saving up for her dreams. Every day of hard work, taking extra shifts and working every extra hour she could the woman finally had just enough for a plane ticket and a small amount for a hotel. She would have to find a job in order to support herself while pursuing her career, but this was at least half way there.

After aimlessly walking through the lively streets trying to find a place to stay and clearly getting on the wrong subway train, the redhead found herself in Brooklyn, now tired and hugely hungry. Traipsing down the now dark pathways the woman decided to once again use her phone for directions, in the hope it would somehow inform her of the right way this time. Pulling out the device however, a tall figure races past her, plucking the purse from the ground and racing away wrapping the hoodie more tightly around them in order to conceal their identity. "Hey!" the woman shouted as loudly as she could starting to chase after them. Just as the thief was about to turn a sharp corner a small woman appeared and pinned the figure against the wall preventing him from escape. "Drop the bag" she utters pushing him firmly against the bricks. At first he kept the bag firmly in his grasp until she once again pushed him with a greater force. "Drop it" she repeated in a low voice. The man finally gave a frustrated look and released the purse handing it to the woman. "Thank you.And if I ever see you around here bothering innocent..beautiful women again I will break those grabby little fingers one, at a time. Got that?" The brunette asks with a devilish smile. The man nodded with fear as she released him then ran out of sight. At first Rebecca was hesitant to step closer, the woman had after all just threatened a man, but another thought also crossed her mind. Had she just called her beautiful? Why did she so selflessly rescue her belongings?

"Here" she said with an expression totally opposite from the previous one she just displayed. "Thank you" Rebecca replied with a warm smile. "Well you're clearly not from here, what are you doing out here at this time?" She questioned referring to that accent curiously. She didn't know what it was about her, but something about the small woman intrigued the Brit and she instantly felt she could tell her so she made the decision to answer to questions. "I'm errm, looking for somewhere to stay, I must've caught the wrong train" she explained with an embarrassed look on her features. "Hey don't worry about it, you'd be surprised how many people end up wandering through Brooklyn at nearly midnight with a huge suitcase full of what I assume to be everything you brought with you" she chuckles. Being from England, Rebecca could easily detect sarcasm when she hears it and decided to go along with her little quip. She raised an eyebrow towards the woman with a smirk and folded her arms. "Really? So what, you lerk out here waiting for women to be accosted by thief's so you can swoop in the day?" She asked that smirk still painted across her lips. "Of course not" she insisted. "Right. So why did you suddenly decide to save me and take the role of my fairy god mother then?".
"Oh trust me I'm no fairy god mother. I usually just let them learn their lesson, but I couldn't very well let a pretty one like you mess up your makeup now could I?" She shot back. "Pretty huh?" The redhead laughed as this was now the second time she had mentioned it. "Yeah whatever, maybe I think you're a little pretty, but watch it I can already see you head getting bigger" the brunette answered with a stern confidence. "What's your name anyway?" She asked. The redhead gave an expression of reluctance  then finally began "Rebecca".
"Ohhh No," the other replied. "What do you mean no?" She asked confused. "That's way to long,how about..I don't know Becky?" She asked an immediate look of disgust appearing on the others face. "Absolutely not" she stated firmly. "Okay okay, what about Bec? Oo no no Bex, huh that's good right?"  She smiled. Suddenly Rebecca found herself looking at the woman as if she were another species, her eyes glazed with endearment. No one in her life had ever been so confident and almost obnoxious about how they felt about her, and even though some might see her as being conceited,Rebecca was drawn to the sarcastic audacious personality. "I suppose thats okay, what about you?" She questioned. "Oh yeah, Lana" she introduced holding out a hand. As her new acquaintance took her hand, the two of them, although they did not show it, felt a small tingle run through their bodies. They lingered for a couple of seconds until the interrupting churning sound of Bexs stomach filled the space between them. Lana finally cleared her throat, as she pulled her hand away and tucked it back into her leather jacket. "You're hungry". 
"Starving, I haven't eaten anything since that god awful plane journey" she explained. "hey why don't you come back to my place, there's not a hotel for miles and I wouldn't have you walking all that way especially now. I can even cook you something, anything you want, as long as that something is either ramen noodles or chicken nuggets" Lana laughed. "What? No I can't, I just met you" she utters. "True, but unless you wanna walk 20 blocks to the nearest hotel, I'm kinda all you got right now, and besides I know Brooklyn inside and out, I can show you how to you know survive without being stolen from or injured" the brunette insists. Something inside the Brit was screaming not to go with the woman she only met five minutes ago, but a stronger almost gut feeling was edging her towards the decision to trust her. Rebecca looked around and started to feel the brisk air cutting at her skin, she had expected to be warm in a hotel bed at this time so a jacket wasn't necessary for her initial plans, she also thought about the aching feeling deep in her stomach begging for food to satisfy it and she was finally brought to a conclusion. "Okay, your place it is".
"Good, because I simply couldn't stand the thought of never seeing you again" he brunette admitted in a bold tone as she nudged her arm. "You look freezing. Here take this" the American said noticing her shivers and handing her the jacket she was previously wearing. "Are you sure?" Bex asks smiling and secretly hopping she would say yes. "Of course, I'll survive and besides my apartments not far from here" she explained.

"So whats your deal? Got tired of all the tea and cucumber sandwiches?" Lana joked taking a sip of coffee. "Something like that. I guess I just moved here because I wanted to get away, my hometown didn't really offer many opportunities for what I want to do so I moved here" the redhead explained. "And what do you wanna do?" She queried leaning over the counter. For a moment Rebecca was not able to answer as Lana was now inches from her face, but after a couple of seconds she was able to string together a response. "Errm well..I am actually an actress" she states staring into her eyes. "Well that explains the body I guess, I bet you got a trainer and everything"She answers smirking.
"You are so shameless. And actually no I don't I have 100 dollars in my purse and however long it takes for that to run out to find a job".
"Ohh so you're a struggling actress. You're a classic case of little girl with big dreams moves the big city to find her calling aren't you".
"You could say that" Bex laughs. "Well why don't you just stay here? I'll put you up for a while until you get a job then you could either help me pay rent here or get your own place" she suggested popping a mouthful of noddles into her mouth. "Really? You're just going to let me stay here?" She asks not quite believing her offer. "Why not? I could use a roommate and you my darling are not the worst option believe it or not. However there's one condition" she states that devious smile once again appearing. "What?" Bex asked a look of intrigue in her sky eyes. "You..have to spend the day with me tomorrow, you know get coffee, maybe I'll give you a little tour around New York, do all the touristy things you people like. I mean I have to give you a thorough interview before I can let you live with me, you know make sure you're not crazy".
"Of course and 'interview' not like a date" the brit asked in a fake innocent tone.
"Not like a date at all. If it were a date we'd be doing more than just sight seeing believe me" Lana said raising an eyebrow. "Really like what?".
"I'll just let you think about that, while I go to bed. Goodnight" the brunette chimed purposefully swaying her hips as she made her way towards the door so Rebeccas sight was forced towards her almost irresistible ass that she was just noticing at that moment. He eyes widened as she observed the brunette lick her lips while propping herself up against the doorframe. She finally blew a kiss then shut the door leaving Rebecca in astonishment.

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