Don't you dare say goodbye

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As the surroundings fell into slow motion, the air becoming humid, and the street withdrawing into quiet, the redhead stared, unadulterated shock jolting through her. She looked into Lanas eyes trembling, the usual shade of blue, that always reminded the brunette of the ocean, making her fall deeper every time she caught glimpse of them, now seemed to fade into a dull, cold icy colour making her go pale. Blood began to pool at her feet, as Rebecca's hands shook trying to stop the uncontrollable wound. Struggled whimpers forced themselves from her chest, until she began to collapse, causing Lana to hurtle forwards and catch her before she met the concrete. The both of them sinking into the pavement, Lanas eyes once again flooded, the American pulled Bex up onto her lap and moved the hair from her face holding her as tightly as she could never wanting to let go. "Come on Bex sweetie you're gonna be fine okay? I'm so sorry...I love you so much...please don't leave me" she weeped desperately trying to keep her girlfriend conscious. Placing her hand on Rebecca's cheek the redhead wearily kept her eyes open, staring up at the distraught woman. You can't leave me here do you hear me? I need you" she told her the muffled sound of sirens making their way onto the scene. "We need ambulance dispatch now" one of the agents informed into his walkie talkie setting eyes on the wounded woman. The brunette was now covered in the blood of her lover, clinging to her as her life begins to slip away her breaths becoming slower by the second. After a few minutes of Lana assuring her she would be fine and, continuously apologising for what she had caused the brit began to feel herself slipping away, and made one last attempt with all of her strength to put together the words. "Lana?" She croaked the very sound of her voice hurting the brunette. "Yeah? What is it?" She answered a look appearing on Rebecca's face that brought Lana to breaking point. She instantly knew what the redhead was thinking and interrupted. " don't you dare say goodbye. You're not going anywhere, I'm right here okay. Please you can't.." she begged. "I love you" Bex uttered before slipping under, everything becoming black. "I love you too, I love you so much. I am so sorry Bex" she reiterated, kissing her lips as hard as she could. But it was too late she couldn't be heard. sirens appears as the paramedics arrived pulling Lana away from Rebecca as she kicked and screamed for them to let go so they could rush her into the back of the ambulance. Once she was in the Latina immediately followed clutching her hand, not letting go until they reached the hospital. "I've got a 25 year old female with a GSW to the abdomen, with excessive bleeding. Patient is non responsive and has decreased breath sounds on the right side. I need an IV and a chest tube now" she ordered pushing the gurney through the corridors until it disappeared behind two huge doors. As Lana tried to follow a tall man stepped in front of her preventing her from advancing. "Sorry ma'am there's no entry past this point. I can assure you Doctor Grey is doing everything she can to save you're friend" he states as Lana attempts to fight past him.

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