The miracle

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"A 25 percent chance..only 25 percent? You mean she could be like this for the rest of her life?" Lana asked the very realisation causing a colossal wight to be felt inside her chest.  "I'm so sorry ma'am, Doctor grey was able to stop the bleeding, but we ran into an unexpected complication in he OR. I'm afraid that's the best odds we can give you" he informed placing a hand on her shoulder. The brunette immediately began to stare towards the floor, trying her best to contemplate the situation, using all she had to push herself away from the brink of breaking again. "Well..can  I at least see her?" She asked finally bringing her eyes to rest upon the Doctor. "Of course, this way".

As soon as she entered the plain room her immediate thought was what Bex would say if she saw this. She would say this is by far the most depressing place she's ever seen. Rebecca was always so bright and upbeat, making jokes at every opportunity, and although it got ridiculous sometimes, Lana didn't mind one bit she loved her laugh, and would give anything to hear it again. Laying eyes on the still woman, multiple wires attached to her, regulating and tracking her every breath and brain activity, she instantly felt a feeling of unadulterated sorrow. Her face was dull, pale, and the almost lifeless body was causing the atmosphere to feel frozen in time somehow. This wasn't the bex she knew at all, she would've hated this, would've had to make a joke about the ugly curtains hung in the window just to lighten the mood. Slowing stepping towards the chair beside the bed, the American sat down and took the redheads motionless hand, stroking across her skin with her thumb. "This is all my fault, if I'd have just told you the truth from the beginning, I could've found a way to protect you somehow, I was just scared you know? I've never felt this way before, I lost my family a long time ago, and  since then, opening up is just not something I do. But then you showed up, and.. I don't know, I just felt..different I don't know how to explain it. I was supposed to be protecting you, but you were the one who made me feel safe I guess" she expressed. Although she knew Bex couldn't hear her, it somehow felt better to get everything out into the open, cathartic in a way. 

Almost a year after the incident, Rebecca was still in the same state as she had been that awful night. Lana had made it her normal to visit everyday, talk to the Brit and tell her everything that was going on,weather it was a funny story she's heard during the day, or a problem she needed to deal with, just like they did before. She also took it upon herself to make the room as cheery as she could, she brought endless flowers and bright coloured cushions to replace the dreary blue and the space gradually became better. "Hey you'll never guess what happened to today? I finally went to that coffee house you wanted to try, I'm sorry I went without you but I got two coffees anyway, stupid I know but made me feel better. You would've loved it, the whole place was covered in vintage stuff, floral sprawled everywhere" she told her once again sitting down beside her like she had done everyday for the better part of a year. "Also the guy who worked there told me a joke. What do nosey peppers do?" She asked giggling a little.  Before she the got the chance to answer however a faint voice sounded from the bed. "Gets jalapeño business" she answered smiling weakly. "Hah yeh" the brunette replied, she felt so much as if she had been talking to her anyway for a split second she acted completely normal until she suddenly did a double take stared towards Bex. The monitors started to beep and the lines spiked,the redhead shifting and humming sounds of discomfort. A wave of shock washed over her and her breath started to quicken as she continued to stare in disbelief. She was dreaming, she had to be. The doctors said there was next to no chance of her waking up by now, this was almost too much to handle. "That joke was awful" Rebecca laughed lightly. Lana was unable to form any words, she just began to laugh tears starting to fall. "I can't believe it" she finally managed to say between quickened breaths. "You're awake. This is real, you're..awake" she laughed almost jumping on the brit kissing her. Rebecca gave a small hum as she kissed her back giggling. "How long have I been out?" She asked once they parted. The brunette then stared to look at her with sad eyes, she never thought she would have to explain to her what happened, tell her she had missed nearly a whole year of her life. "Lana what is it? Come on you can tell me a week?" She asked Lana still not being able to bring herself to tell her. "A month? She asked again. "10 months and 28 days" she informed in almost a whisper. An expression of what can only be described as shock appeared on her face as her eyes widened. "They said there was a 25 percent chance of you waking up".
"I've been out for almost a year?" She questions laying her head back onto the pillow and staring at the ceiling. After a few seconds of taking it in, Bex finally spoke propping her self up to look at Lana. "You waited for me?".
"Of course" she replied taking her hand. "I love you, and I promise I will never leave you" she expresses with a warm smile.

As the two emerged from the hospital after the doctors had done all of the compulsory tests to make sure she was eligible for release. A 'miracle' is the word they used to describe it the 'Luckiest woman in the world' , she just woke up, no explanation almost as if someone flicked a switch. As the two stood outside the hospital Lana took Rebecca's hands in hers and stared into her eyes. As she looked deeper a feeling inside her told her never wanted to not be able to just that and in a compulsive decision she blurted out two words. "Marry me" she spoke calmly. "What?" Bex replied as if she was crazy. "Marry me. I don't wanna ever loose you again, i won't. Look, i know this is hard for you but do you remember the last thing you said to me?" She asked. "Yes" she replied.
"And did you mean it?".
"Of course but-"
"Then just marry me, I've loved you since the day I met you and I don't wanna waste any more time, this is what I want. I've had this since our 6 months anniversary and now I can finally give it to you" she states pulling out a sparkling ring. The redhead was speechless, Lana waited by her side for all that time and she couldn't deny the feelings she had for her. "So..?".
"Okay, yes, I'll marry you" she tells her Lanas immediately wrapping her hands around her neck kissing her passionately. "I love you" Rebecca expresses. "I love you too" she replies into her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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