Another thing (Fluff??)

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----------3:47am-----------(Rk900 pov?)
Sitting next to Lt.reed sure is interesting. I wonder how he still has his job while he barely does anything, expect stealing the departments coffee.
Gavin Reed
State: Tired
Age: 36
Sex: male
Criminal record: none
No criminal record? For an asshole like that. I looked him up and down.
He can't be that bad.

"What did you say dipshit?"

I look forward. did I say that out loud? It had to have been an error. I stay quiet pretending I didn't scan him nor say anything in the process, hoping he would forget the situation.

"Hey plastic, im fucking talking to you." He reaches for my led rather quickly in which I grab his wrist looking at him "oh well at least I know the machine is not dead."
He smirks. That smirk. It made me want to smack it off of him. I let go of his hand and get up.
"The hell do you think you're going?" I look back at him "What's it to you?" He's angered but I continue walking

Software instability

"Oh you fucking shit" He comes to punch me I swiftly move out of the way and he stumbles. He turns back around coming to kick me, I grab his leg pulling it towards me, leaning in and whispering in his ear
"I was going to get you a coffee dipshit, you're body state is tired" The Detective froze and was flustered he looked down and shuddered.
I let his leg down and returned to get him a coffee.
--------4:00am-------------(Gavin pov?)

The hell is wrong with that thing. Holding me like that, pulling me towards him, calling me a name, we were so close. It was so nice. Maybe- He felt the heat coming to his face, bringing both of his hands towards him hiding his embarrassment and thoughts. Not yet realising he was staring at the android the whole time.
"Are you okay Lieutenant? Your heart rate increased by 15 percent"
"Yeah yeah toaster I'm fine" looking up for the time, I see the android looking at me with his head tilted and his led processer yellow. The fuck is this artificial shit thinking about now? Why is he looking at me like th- my phone goes off signaling its time to pack up and get out of this fuckin shit-hole
"Hey shit stick pack up its the end of shift." I hear the android shuffle around a few things then stand up it's led still yellow. I look at it for too long to realise it's staring back at me with crystal blue eyes. It has blue eyes? When did it have blue eyes? Shit, why was staring at it kind of hot?
I shake my head and grab my bag, heading for the front entrance which was now the exit. Glancing back I see the android follow me a few feet behind.
"Hurry up." Getting into the car and putting the key into the ignition, the music Gavin had on previously starts to play softer than normal and they make there way to Gavin's place. If you were silent you could hear the slight inhale and exhales coming from the android in the passenger seat and it made the detective realize he wasn't alone.

O wow is this an update? At like Fucking 1:30 in the morning. Chapters seem to be getting shorter but o well. O when i put things with question marks idk if its right or if ill stick to it. Also If y'all have any suggestions tell me em like #Commentsarethereforareason Again if there are errors im sorry I do this on a small ass phone :')
Word count: 624

Lt.Asshole (Gavin x Rk900)Where stories live. Discover now