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Later came when Yellow forced them into a room together. Green blinked as he stared at the door while Red started to pace. "So why did she lock us in this room again?" Green asked as he looked at the pacing sorcerer.

"Because she is crazy." Red muttered as he continued to pace, stopping when Green sat down on the floor to watch him. "Oh I thought it was because Blue had to be washed or something like that."

Red looked down at him, realizing that is what the healing witch was probably doing before he sat down beside the prince. "That is probably what she is doing. How are you holding up?" He heard Green groan a little. "Life outside the palace is fun and hard. I mean I can do things I never could before but life out here is just so-"

"Difficult?" Red supplied making Green nod before he let out a small yawn. "I'm sorry about my attitude though, I do promise to get better and learn to trust you since you know what you are doing."

Red just shrugged. "I know what I am doing most of the time. When we do go we have to go the fast way in order to catch up." Green looked at him before he tugged on the sorcerer's sleeve. "Didn't you say we would die if we go that way?" Red looked down to see Green look at him in horror.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this to happen and we are far behind. This is the only way to catch up." Red explained, jumping a little when Green nodded before he leaned his head on the raven haired males shoulder. "Can I take back my comment in where I trust you? Because now I don't." Red rolled his eyes as he shook his head.

"No take backs." Green groaned as he sat up, stretching as he yawned. "Well now what?" Green asked, getting a little irritated when Red just shrugged. "Oh well that's just freaking great. Stupid sorcerer." Red looked over at him, feeling a little hurt. "Ouch, that one hurt a little bit."

Green blushed as he looked down, muttering an apology feeling a bit guilty. "Your making it hard for me to insult you."

Red looked at him, feeling a little surprised. "Well that's a good thing for me. Now why am I making it hard for you to insult me hmmm?" Red asked, leaning down a bit so he could look at Green's face. It really didn't work since Green looked away from him, bring his legs up to his chest. "I don't know."

Red frowned. "Oh I do think you know but you won't tell me. I am waiting for an answer." The sorcerer stated crossing his arms, preparing himself to wait for a long while. Green stayed silent for a while before he let out a huff, turning to glare at the raven haired male. "It's personal!"

Red nodded as Green basically just told him the answer. Looks like the prince is having a little crush. How adorable. But for some odd reason that made Red smile and feel funny. Oh maybe he was starting to have feelings too, well that would explain a lot. Whelp, might as well make the most of it Red thought as he placed a hand on Green's chin, leaning down until their noses brushed together.

"I know." Red whispered smirking a little when he saw Green blush. "What do you mean you know!?" Green exclaimed as he stared wide eyed at the sorcerer, trying to pull back but his body refused to move. "Tell me what you want." Red whispered as he wrapped an arm around the prince to pull him closer, getting a little squeak. "I-I...." Green stuttered before he shivered.

"Stop teasing me!!" Green whined as he felt even more embarrassed. Red pulled away and shrugged, making Green confused. "Wait what?"

Red looked down at him, "You told me to stop." Green looked away in disappointment. That wasn't what he meant at all. "Oh." He whispered quietly. Red looked at him in confusion. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

Green frowned as he stared at the floor. He didn't know what he wanted, he never felt this feeling before. "I don't know." Green eventually said before he looked up at the sorcerer. Red nodded before he smiled. "You have every right to slap me." Red said, making Green confused. But before he could ask, Red could very close all of a sudden. Green knew he was blushing as he placed a hand on the sorcerers chest before he felt a pair of lips meet his.

Oh. That's what Red meant.

When Red did pull away, Green opened his eyes (When did he close them?) and stared. That was his first kiss, and he had no idea if it was good or bad. But it did start something for this time Green leaned over and kissed the raven haired male, shivering when Red place his hands on his hips.

Meanwhile Yellow was tending to Blue. Yellow was just placing another wet cloth on the thief's forehead when she noticed that the thief was awake. "Oh. Hello welcome back there." Yellow said softly before she grabbed a cup of water. "Here drink this slowly."

Blue wordlessly nodded before slowly sitting up and taking a small sip, feeling relief when it soothed her sore throat. "Thank you. What happened?" She whispered in a very soft voice.

"You were poisoned. Lucky for you the boys got you here before you could die." Yellow replied as she got a bowl of soup, handing it over to Blue. "Where are the boys?" Yellow hummed before a small smile worked it way on her face.

"Oh upstairs. I will let them know in the morning. It's quite late. Are you sleepy?" Blue nodded before she yawned a little bit, placing the bowl on the table beside her. "Thank you for the soup. It was good." Yellow just nodded before she bowed. "Sleep. I will check on you in the morning."

Blue nodded before she laid back down, yawning again before she fell asleep, making Yellow smile a bit before she left the room. Now should she check on the boys? She shook her head, they will be fine she was going to bed.


When Blue awoke for the second time, she was full of energy. She actually felt really good considering that she was poisoned. She swung her legs over to the side of the bed before she stretched, jumping a little when she saw Yellow petting her Blastoise on the forehead. "He has been worried about you ever since you got here. He would be so pleased to see that you are alright."

Blue smiled before she stood up, using the table as support before the wave of dizziness left. "Is he awake?" Blue asked making her way over to see her beast asleep. "He's so cute." Yellow said before she stood up and walked towards the front door. "Would you like to come and help me feed the beasts?" Blue smiled brightly as she walked towards Yellow.

"I would love to. Then I will go wake up the boys." Blue said as she followed Yellow out the door. Ah the sun felt amazing on her skin, it was good to be outside again. Hmm she wondered how Red and Green were doing. Hopefully not killing each other, or causing any trouble.

Blue shrugged. Well she's sure they are fine.

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