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"Stiles. I'm fine." I groan as he and I walk down the hallways Beacon Hills the next Monday morning. We had Thursday and Friday off, the police are still looking for Derek. Though he's dead. So, have fun finding him. 

It's funny, nobody knows it was us that were trapped in school. Which I'm glad, I hate talking to people. 

"Stacey," Stiles stopped me, and I bumped into him on accident, which I didn't mind at all. "You were almost killed Wednesday, you can't say to me your fine. I- why did you leave? I would lose my freaking mind if something had happened to you on Wednesday," 

"I'm still alive now, Stiles." I shrug. "It's fine, no big deal." 

"It's a pretty big freaking deal to me." Stiles snapped, and I jumped at his sudden tone and he sighed. "Stacey, you may shrug it off and think it's nothing, but I won't, you're like... the only one... ugh, Stacey, you don't understand." 

"Then help me understand." I plead, our eyes connect. 

"I- you don't feel the same way about it." Stiles quickly said, oh? I drop my shoulders. 

"Well, then, I better get to that test we have." 


I entered Mr. Harris' class, god she had him for the test we have. I usually sit behind Stiles, which I did. And he came in entering after me, he had sat down and put out three pencils and a rubber. I snort at it.  

Scott had comes in as well, tried to talk to Allison, but failed. Scott sat a few seats away from us. 

"You have 45 minutes to complete this test." Mr. Harris started. "25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of your blue book." Mr. Harris held out up the blue book and I wrote down on my page, and wrote Stacey McCall. "However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So. Let's get the disappointment over with." He held up a timer. "Begin."

I soon begin, answering each test I could. I flipped over the page and started to answer them straight away, I must say, I was flying through them. During the middle of the test, Scott had gotten but and left, all heads fly up watching him leave.

Scott, what the hell are you doing? 

"Mr. McCall?" Mr. Harris calls, at his sudden absences. Stiles had quickly gotten up and out of his seat, running after him. Should I go after? "Mr. Stilinski!" I attempted to get up, but was shot down by Harris. "Miss McCall if you even attempt to go out that door and not finish the test I will give you detention for the rest of your school life." 

My eyes widen. 

"Can you do that?" Mr. Harris glares at me, and I slowly sat back down. 

He can totally do that. 


I stop when I saw Stiles walk through my once locked door later on that night. I frowned. "You have a key?" 

Stiles grins and holds up a key. "I have a key," he had a big bag with him- I forgot that the full moon was tonight. 

"Scott?" My mum asks, walking through the lounge to the door with her work closes on. 

"Stiles." Stiles smiled at my mum. 

"Key!" Mum pointed at the key, I'm not surprised that Stiles made himself a key. 

"Yeah, I had one made, so..." Stiles trailed off, holding up the key. 

"That doesn't surprise me." Mum said, looking at Stiles. "It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me." Stiles dumbs the big bag on the ground, and mum stares at it. "What is that?"

"Our science project, mum. Me and Stiles are partners in a science project." I told her, I didn't exactly tell her the truth, but that's better than finding out her son's a werewolf. 

"Stiles, he's okay, right?" Mum asked. Oh. 

"Who? Scott? Yeah, totally," Stiles nodded. 

"He just doesn't talk o me that much anymore, not like he use to." I felt bad, cause I haven't talked to my mum much either. 

"Well, he's had a bit of a rough week." Stiles told her. 

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Yeah." You really don't, mum. It'd be so much easier if we just tell her. "Um, okay, be careful tonight." 

"You, too." We both said at the same time. 

"Full moon." 

"What?" I said a bit too quickly.  

"There's a full moon out tonight." Mum said, getting out her car keys. "You should see how the ER gets. Brings out all the nut jobs. 

"Oh, right."

"You know, it's actually where they came up with the word lunatic." Mum then left, and Stiles and I quickly run up the stairs. 


Stiles and I enter Scott's room. I wonder how long it's gonna be before he shows up. Stiles dumbs the bag on the ground. Stiles turned on the light. 

"Oh, my god!" Sitting there was Scott in his chair. "Dude. You scared the hell out of me." I chuckle in amusement. 

"Mum said you weren't home yet." I told him, and sat on the edge of Scott's bed. 

"I came in through the window." Scott wasn't Scott. How do I know that? His voice was deeper than usual, it came out like low. His voice changed. 

"Okay," Stiles said uneasily. "Uh, well, let us get this set up. I want you to see what I brought you." Stiles ahd dumbed the bag a few feet away from Scott and started digging through it. 

"I'm fine." Scott said. "I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." 

Bad idea, Scott. I shake my head at him. 

"You sure about that? Cause you got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out." Stiles blurts out. 

"I'm fine." He's far from fine. Actually. "You should go now."

"All right, I'll leave. Well, look, would you at least look n the bag and see what I brought you?" Stiles requests, I haven't even seen the bag. "You know, maybe ou could use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?" 

Scott slowly gets out of his chair and walks forward towards the bag. This is starting to freak me out. A lot. He bends down, and he picks up the pile of chains. Oh. 

"You think I'm gonna let you put this on me and chain me up like a dog?" Scott asked, in a very low not himself a voice. You can hear the wolf in him. Scott drops the chains in the bag. 

"Actually, no." My eyes widen, what? Stiles then reveals what he's been hiding behind his back, and cuffs him to the heater. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott growled out. Stiles stands up, and gets me up as well, I stand behind Stiles. 

"Protecting you from yourself and giving you some payback." Why? What did Scott do? "For making out with Lydia." My eyes widen, what the hell. 

"I brought you some water." Stiles said as he and I entered Scott's room with Stiles. Scott was still on the ground. Stiles then held up a bowl that said, Scotty, I came up with that idea. Scott wasn't laughing, I thought it was funny. Stiles then poured the water in the bowl. 

Stiles throws the bottle onto the fall once it was done and placed the bowl down onto the floor next to Scott. 

"Enjoy," I told him. He glared at me, and Stiles and I both turned around. 

"I'm gonna kill you!" Scott yelled at us, chucking the bowl towards us, I felt water hit my back. 

"You kissed her, Scott, okay?" Stiles turned around, his voice was angery. "You kissed Lydia. That's like, the one girl that I..." I didn't want to hear any more about this, I was already jealous that Stiles loved Lydia more than I love him. 

I stopped. 

Did I just think that? 

Wow. I love Stiles. Stiles freaking Stilinski, my heart started to beat really fast and walked out of that room. I can't think about loving Stiles right now, there are more important things. Now I know how Scott felt when he confessed that he loves Allison. 

Now, I'm beyond mad that Stiles loves Lydia. Now I don't get to tell him how much I love him, more than a friend. He will never understand that. 

I entered my room, then my bathroom. I want this full moon shit to be over with. In fact, I want this year over. I want the new year. I squeeze my eyes shut. Stiles loves Lydia, and there's nothing I can do about it. 

I open my eyes, and I gasp loudly when I saw Stiles standing at the doorway of my bathroom, staring at me in the mirror. 

I turn my whole body around. "What?" I ask him, he had this worried look in his eyes. 

"Scott's gone." 

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