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"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia as we rocked on up to school that morning. Allison stands on the left side of Lydia and I stand on the right. I intertwine my own hands, putting them in front of my body.

It was Lydia's first day back after five days. Lydia didn't feel nervous, she felt confident. Which was nothing out of the ordinary, we are still yet to find out what she is.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically their way of saying we have no idea you can't remember running around naked for two days," Lydia explained as we walked up to the doors of Beacon Hills High school. "But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia said proudly, showing off her body as we stand in front of the door.

Allison and Lydia chuckle, I didn't find it funny. "Are you ready for this?" Allison asked softly, and Lydia looked at me with a tight smile, before looking at Allison.

"Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer." Lydia turned around opening the doors to the school hallways, and Allison's face dropped. My face dropped too, why the hell would Lydia say that? Then again, it's Lydia. She gets to say what she wants.

"Allison, don't worry," I seemed to snap Allison out of a gaze. She looked at me and smiled.

Allison and I then follow Lydia in afterward and literally everyone in that hallway stopped and stared at Lydia. It felt like everything... stopped.

Everyone was staring. Girls from their lockers, people walking down the stairs, people walking down the hallway just stopped and stared at Lydia. Lydia stares back, her eyes shifting all around the hallway.

"Maybe it's the nine pounds," Allison whispered closely to Lydia, that made I crack a smile and so did Lydia. Lydia flicks her hair to the side, before strutting down the hallways proudly.

We both smiled at each other, before we walked behind Lydia.

I walked into Chemistry the same morning, Stiles sat next to Scott, which bumped me out, I normally sit next to Stiles. I had to sit in front of someone who I'd never ever met. Which gave me social anxiety, just a little.

"Why would Derek choose Isaac?" Scott asked in a low tone and I lean back on my chair, listening. From what I've been updated with so far; Isaac Lahey was Derek's new Beta. Since Derek's the alpha, he can bite people and make them werewolves and Isaac's father was murdered last night, but Isaac claimed it wasn't him even though he is a werewolf, and he might've had the urge to kill.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you," Stiles whispered back. "And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving."

"Does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" Sheriff Stilinski thinks Isaac murdered his dad last night as well. Also, on top of that, the full moon's tomorrow. Yay.

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence," Stiles confirmed. "Or a witness. Wait." Stiles whips his head around, and turned to Danny, he leaned forward, chatting with him. "Danny," Stiles whispered. "Where's Jackson?"

"In the principal's office talking to your dad." Danny answered.

"What? Why?"

"Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac." Danny replied, not really caring. Stiles turns back to Scott and me.

"Witness. We gotta to the principal's office." Stiles told them.

"How?" I asked.

"Everyone please turn to page 73,"

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