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I sigh when I feel the hot water burn in my skin as I take a long and hot shower that same night. I close my eyes, letting the warm water hit my skin. Scott was almost killed by Allison's bitch of a mother, but Derek thankfully saved him. Derek had bitten Allison's mother.

I have no idea what that's going to be ended up like. I pressed my lips together, closing my eyes feeling the nice warm water hit my skin. Stiles had also told me that the Sheriff of the town, was no longer the Sheriff of the town. I felt utter sadness for them both. Stiles had cried in my arms, he said it was all his fault.

He said the way that his dad looks at him, broke Stiles.

I know the same feeling, my mother looks at me the same way. She barely even speaks to me, she's pushing me away. My own mother.

"Stacey," I froze at the sound of a voice calling my name. I open my eyes and saw nothing there. "Stacey," it was a soft whisper, I reached for the handle and turned off the shower.

In the distance, I can hear soft cheering and clapping. My eyes widen. What? How? Is this a joke? I slowly pull back the curtains, and my eyes widen even further when I realized I'm on the lacrosse field.


The crowd was cheering my name. "Stacey! Stacey! Stacey!" They chant, I looked down and saw that I was in my prom dress. On the lacrosse field. There were even signs that I read was Stacey.

My heart was pounding wildly. The voices slowly mute, which I'm not sure why. My eyes suddenly then lead me to turn around, and I saw none other than Peter Hale himself coming towards me.

With the crowd watching and cheering me on, this feel so real.

What if it is?

I then turn around, trying to run for it, but Peter had grabbed my shoulders, and I felt his teeth sink into my neck.

I woke up, gasping for air. I look around, I'm just in my bedroom. I then looked down at my sheets which were covered in dirt and I let out a whimper, what the hell? I let a tear roll down my cheek.

"Leave me alone." I softly whispered. My breaths became unsteadily.

"Unforntuely, I can't." I jump and I saw Peter Hale lying on my bed next to me. "At least not yet."

"Are you real? You're supposed to be dead." I let out a shaking breath.

Peter then sits up and sits close to me. "Interestingly... that question can also be answered not yet. I promise everything's going to be back to normal, Stacey," don't trust what he says, Stacey. "All that you have to do..." Peter then puts a hand on my cheek, and I squeeze my eyes shut. He's dead. "Is every single thing I ask."

I let out a small scream.

"Timing is key here, Stacey." Peter walks me down my own staircase. "It all needs to happen by the next full moon. Do you know what they call full moon in March?" I looked down at my feet, and saw... I don't even know what this is, so, I gasped. "It's called the worm moon. They call it because it's the last full moon of the winter, and the worms would literally crawl out of the earth as it thawed." I gasp when Peter turned around and his face was covered in dirt.

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