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〔 chapter one 〕

dr. kim yewon. professional psychiatrist, aged 20. seems a little unreal to be a professional at the age of 20, but believe it or not, this individual can do much more than that. just a little more effort put in, and she can become a government official, only if she wanted to.

jeon jungkook. the most interesting, or should i say, complicated patient in busan's institute of mental health, aged 21. his psychiatrists change every 3 months since he turned them insane like him, through clever manipulation. he's been here since he lost his entire family at a young age and has since then become insane over the loss.

a slim figure entered the office. "dr kim, you have a new patient by the name of mr jeon jungkook. a year older than you, who is very," the figure says, with a slight pause in her words, "manipulative,"

"thank you mrs kim," dr. kim says formally.

yewon looks over her shoulder and nods her head to her assistant, kim eunbi. before marriage, she was named hwang eunbi, but she recently got married to mr kim taehyung, a successful and popular lawyer in daegu. they burst into laughter and wiggled their bodies in cringe.

"i cringe everytime you do that," yewon turned her chair to face her assistant, and her bestfriend.

"this patient has a really good looking face, you would maybe find your soulmate in them! " mrs jung said to her.

dr kim shook her head.

"i dont think i'll be interested in anyone. after all, i'm here to only help," she paused, before continuing, "besides, i dont mind being alone," yewon says.

"you know, you're not going to stay single, forever right?" eunbi says to her.

yewon just chuckles. eunbi goes over to pat her shoulder and let out a small giggle. she scanned through the documents again and read the information and caution slip regarding the patient.

"seems like a really really complicated patient, can you do it ji?" eunbi says, referring to dr kim in her nickname, "besides.. it says in his record that he changes psychiatrist and drives them insane every 3 months,"

"are you underestimating me?" yewon looks at eunbi and squints her eyes.

they both laughed, and abruptly stopped as another of yewon's assistant, by the name of choi yuna, comes in to inform her of her accomplice that came to meet her personally to discuss a meeting. she fixed her gown and hair, grabs her specs and signalled eunbi to join in the meeting as well.

"thank you ms choi," she said and left the room as ms choi closed her office door behind her.

the trio had met with the patient's caretakers before. they came into the room and shook hands. dr kim sat infront of mr jeon's caretakers, and introduced her assistants.

"hello mr. kim. these are my assistants, ms choi and mrs kim. i am dr kim, you can refer to me as dr, or yewon," dr kim says as she shakes mr jeon's caretakers' hand.

"hello doctor, mr kim seokjin. allow me to introduce my assistants, they go by the name of park jimin, and jung hoseok," mr kim says.

they smiled and proceeded with the meeting. after an hour of discussion, the meeting came to an end. they stood up and thanked each other and left. yewon had three months to handle him, before she goes insane like every other psychiatrist that failed on him before. she looked at her wrist watch, 1900 hours. eunbi's phone rang, she picked it up and was greeted by taehyung's voice over the phone.

"dear, you're working with a guy patient?" he asked over the phone.

"no, its ji working with him, i'm her assistant, i have to know the details, why?" eunbi replied.

"uhm mrs kim, what do you mean why? i don't understand why you must work with a guy patient- and its like what? 7PM, wahhh you must love to go see other guys' faces-" he said and his voice faded.

eunbi looked over at yewon and signalled that she had to go. yewon smiled and nodded, and let her go back. she turned to ms choi and stuck her hand out,

"dinner before we go back. how does that sound yuna?" yewon asked ms choi.

"sounds great," ms choi said and linked her arm with dr kim's.

dr kim packed her stuff and went to dinner with ms choi. after that, she entered her apartment. as she did, she suddenly felt gloomy. she was busy with her thoughts when she suddenly thought of eunbi.

"how does it feel to be married? or even, in love?" she asked herself. she let out a hefty sigh and entered her bathroom.

she pushed her thoughts away and went on with her  nightly routine, mumuring "three months. only three months? that's pure menism right there, plus, underestimating me isn't going to make me back down," before closing her eyes to sleep.

[to be continued]

heya readers hope it isn't too upsetting for a first chapter hehe anyway thanks for voting on my story! (for some of you) i hope this story doesn't make you 'unvote' whoops, anyway i'll update every two weeks! see you next week on thursday xD

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