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〔 chapter two 〕

standing infront of the door, dr kim took a deep breath. she looked at the nameplate outside the room to make sure she was at the correct room. patient 405, jeon jungkook. mrs kim patted her shoulder, as a way of saying "good luck", and headed to a nearby bench. dr kim smiled at her, before entering the room.

as she entered, she immediately noticed how his room was like. simply white and black, with a hint of brown where a bookshelf was with paper covered books, titles unseen and re-drawn in a sadistic and dark aura. it took her a while to notice the figure laying on the bed, drawing on a sketchbook with his headphones on. she could hear his music, despite being on the other end of the room. somehow, the figure noticed her entrance, and immediately removed his headphones and seated himself on the table.

'he is calm and collected,' she noticed and wrote down on her small notebook.

"hello, i'm ms kim, i'm your new friend," she introduced herself.

the boy just rolled his eyes and mumbled, "who's your friend," and went back to his drawing. she smiled sweetly at him in response and continues to observe his room. she put her stuff down on the table and checked his shelf and the kind of books he was reading. she was about to take a book when her hands were grabbed harshly.

"do. not. touch. my. stuff," he whispered threateningly.

she was not the least bit intimidated. she tilted her head, and said in a calm manner, "okay, how about we have a talk about rules?"

he rolled his eyes and pulled a chair to sit on across her. she sat across him and confirmed his details, it was a long process as he beat around the bush and refused to be direct. despite that, she was still calm and collected in front of him and showed no sign of agitation. this was a new thing for jungkook. he felt challenged, like he has to do something about his psychiatrist. he felt like he has to test her.

and that was what he did. he went to change topics whilst unknowingly showing her himself as he got carried away with numerous, off-track topics to distract her. she played along, and recorded what she could infer from what he spoke about. they were both passionate about drawing, she found out.

her hours are over and he had to have his meal of the day. yewon insisted she stay, but mrs kim told her she had an appointment with another patient. jungkook, upon hearing that conversation, blushed and hid his face. however, he didn't understand what he felt at the time, and so he pushed it away. they promised to exchange drawings the other had done in their next meeting.

yewon left, expressing a beautiful smile, saying goodbye to him whilst he merely stared blankly at her. the day went by like that, continuing with her routines and jungkook continuing with his day.


after dr kim was done with her last patient, she checked in with mrs kim for her schedule. she didn't have any other schedule and she had just ended it.

"hey yewon, do you wanna go out for dinner later? i heard there's a hidden restaurant right next to this hospital we haven't been to yet," eunbi said, while arranging dr kim's schedule for tomorrow.

yewon hesitated, before politely declining. she intended to visit her patient, mr jeon. something about him attracts her.

"uhm, ji-ah? earth calls ji back?" eunbi said, grabbing her attention.

she got cut off from her thoughts and decided that she could check on him the next session instead. she stuttered and eunbi repeated the question again, this time with yewon's attention.

"yeah sure, i'm hungry too," she claimed.

"well that was a different response," eunbi said and left the office after telling yewon to wait at the lobby.

she offed her electricity in her office and left the building to the lobby. right then, her phone dinged from a notification.

patient jeon
mr kim (seokjin)
good evening ladies.
sorry to disturb your evening...
open | cancel

patient jeon

mr kim (seokjin)
good evening ladies.
sorry to disturb your evening,
but can i trouble you to
confirm with you that
our next session would
be the next following day?

mrs kim (eunbi 🤪💞)
good evening mr kim.
i checked dr kim's
schedule and it was
planned 3 days after.

mr kim (seokjin)
oh, i told jungkook that it would
be tomorrow. can you book an
extra slot by any chance?

mrs kim (eunbi 🤪💞)
i apologise. dr kim's schedule is
fully booked and she is only free
during her meals.

yewon was confused but she typed into the group.

its fine, how about i have my
lunch with him.

mr kim (seokjin)
that would be much
appreciated. thank you ladies,
have a nice day.

eunbi's car pulled over at the entrance as yewon entered.

"why'd you suddenly want to have dinner with your patient?" eunbi asked, confused.

"oh, its nothing actually, i'm just determined that this complicated one would change," she replied simply, with a proud smile on her face as she looked out of the window.

"that's my bestfriend," eunbi replied, smiling as proud as her bestfriend.

they went on their journey talking about different topics like bestfriends do, on their way to the restaurant of their choice.

[ to be continued ]

hiya i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did! wow, 91 readers in such a short amount of time.. i'm crying tears of happiness, i didn't expect much people to even take their time to read this cries. don't forget to like, comment and vote! until the next chapter ❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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