I Cry Too (lyttlejoe)

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I Cry Too 

We all cry for peace

the perfect state for all

a common set of principles

to which we all relate

the need for which

there's no debate

and yet that is our state

Were all quite willing

to give a little - for a while

but there's not much traffic

on that extra mile

How do we gauge

our personal share

of carrying the load

less fortunate bear

What is peace

for life's downtrodden

whose daily hope recedes

and the dream of something better


Marx once proffered a slogan

'From each according to their ability

to each according to their need.

sensible and well meaning

but no match for human greed

With optimism and fingers crossed

I hope we're not too late

to resurrect an Eden

and wipe our errors from the slate

but until that time, should it come

I'll be the devil's advocate

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