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"Say Remus again please..Harry"

"Wemus" 2 yr old Harry managed.

"Again! Remus"

"Siwius!" He clapped excitedly.

Just then Remus noticed his tall, handsome friend standing behind.

"You sneaky son of a...gun" he amended quickly, looking at Harry. "When did you come in?"

"Just a sec before prongs jr cooed my name" His pride shown in his eyes.

"How's it he says ur name on his own while I have to beg him to say mine?"

"Sorry Remi, it's not ur fault I am his fav. It happens around me all the time, all part of the infamous Sirius charm, isn't it, buddy" He winked at Harry.

"I am happy u found another reason to live after everything, Siri"

"You know, Harry is not the only reason.."

"Shut up. And remember, Nymphy is coming to see Harry tonight for the first time since I..proposed so behave yourself. No unnecessary flirting" He glared.

"Jealous, Remi? Don't worry, no plans to steal ur girl. I have my Augusta, you know that seeker girl from Hufflepuff?"

"Siri..u r blushing"

"No I am not. Come, Harry let's dress up to meet aunt Nymphy, huh!"

Remus just shook his head, smiling and thinking about how to manage these 2 kids after his marriage.

Hogwarts Happenings - A Collection Of HP Oneshots (Mostly Baby Harry Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now