"Missed you!"

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Our 4 year old Harry was as cranky as ever that day. Molly offered a candy, he said no. His favourite brother George gave him a toy, he played for a while but grew tired eventually.

"Are you ok, Harry?" Ginny asked on seeing her sad friend.

"He is missing his dad, aren't you buddy?" Arthur smiled, sitting down with Harry.

"You said he will come today" Harry mumbled.

"He is coming, Harry. Just a few minutes away" Arthur ruffled his hair.

Harry waited and waited, he nodded off involuntarily after a while.

When Sirius did come back, it was to see his godson lying on the lawn with Molly fanning him with a spell.

He gently woke him up.

"Sirius!" Harry shrieked before launching himself on Sirius' arms and started crying.

"You were gone for so long"

"I know, kiddo. I am very sorry. I just couldn't avoid the work." Sirius hugged his son hard.

"Missed you" Harry said, tears streaming down his face, looking up at his godfather.

"Me too, kiddo. Missed you so much" Sirius kissed his forehead and wiped his tears.

"It's just been 3 days, you know" Molly commented, witnessing the touching scene.

Harry scrunched his face, suddenly embarassed. He nestled his face in the crook of Sirius' neck.

Sirius chuckled and stood up, Harry in his arms.. "Well, thank you Molly for taking care of my son. Remus sends his gratitude as well"

"Not at all, we love having him here. By the way, Remus didn't return with you?"

"No, the work is not quite done, I am afraid. I had to come back for Mr.Cranky Pants over here" He mumbled the last part.

Harry put his hands around Sirius' neck and settled himself more comfortably.

"Someone is getting sleepy. Say thank you to aunty Molly, Harry. "

"Thank you" He raised his face just for a second and went back to hugging his godfather.

"He is so clingy today. He is usually very playful, hope he didn't give much of a hard time."

"Oh, no..he missed you a lot, I understand. Ron is just like this. Will you come back, Harry?" She asked lovingly.

Harry simply nodded and gave a small smile.

"Ready to go home, kiddo?"

Harry nodded. "Can we walk?"

Sirius smiled and settled him down, holding his hand.

Hogwarts Happenings - A Collection Of HP Oneshots (Mostly Baby Harry Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now