Chapter 21

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Rey spun around. Her pointe shoe made a small noise. She landed and continued the practice. Phasma had been cast as Cinderella and Hux as her prince. Kylo was the King and Rey the ugly stepsister Anastasia.  

"Good, good." Leia walked around. Shiny beads of sweat poured from all four dancers. "Feel the emotions. Gwen pretend you are Cinderella. You have lived through years of pain and humiliation. Hux, you are the prince. You get what you want. Period. Rey you want Cinderella to fade into nothingness. Ky, just do what you are already doing." 

Rey rose back on to pointe. Gwen floated around as if she were made of air. She looked to Kylo before slowly approaching him. She gave him a side glance then danced over to Hux. She tried to get his attention, but he was fastened to Cinderella. 

Rey twirled and then poised. Her ankle throbbed from a past injury and her back hurt from being dropped the day before. Kylo was watching her to ensure she was safe. She gave him a small smile and then rose up again. 

"Arabesque... Attitude... Assemble.. Jete... and again!" Leia called. "The count is 1..2..3, 2...2...3, and so forth. Again." She called clapping her hands together. 

Rey turned back to her side of the room. 

"Gwen!" Leia barked. She clapped her hands together. "Arabesque. Attitude.. Assemble... Jete." 

Gwen flew across the room, her long legs giving her extra bounce. "Good good." Leia walked around. "Hux, in now. Demi plie. Assemble. Pirrorete. Jete assemble." Hux moved powerfully across the stage. 

"Good good." Leia called out. "Rey and Kylo." She motioned. "I want a Pas de Duex between the two." She looked to the two of them, chests heaving and sweat dripping. "Choreographed by tomorrow." She looked back at Hux and Gwen. "I need perfection by  tomorrow. Got it." She looked at them hard. 

"Yes." They all replied. Ballet Season was beginning and therefore the Principles were being worked to the bone. 

"Also, Ren I want that next set for 'A midsummer night dream' by tomorrow." She looked at her son. "No promises." 

"Got you." He nodded. His phone buzzed and he picked it up. 

"Hello this is Kylo." He spoke softly. 

"Ren, this is Minka." His russian counterpart was on the line. 

"News?" He clipped. 

"New band, must be stopped at the head. Want me to move in or just you?" 

"Single mission. Not now thought. Cut them off and be done with it. No pubic involvement." 

"On it." He disconnected and turned back to the group in the room. 

"Hux." He spoke in the rough Russian they had learned in schooling. "New members. Minka is on it." 

Gwen and Rey looked between their two men. Rey's insides churned with a nervous fire and a hard line settled on Gwen's face. 

"No." Gwen spat. "You can't get involved." She too spoke the harsh words. 

Rey looked at Kylo. She could not stand to loose him. A guteral cry came from Gwen as Hux tried to soothe her. 

Kylo grabbed Rey and tugged her to another studio. "I just got the call. Another gang has surfaced. We may or may not be needed soon." He leveled his gaze at her. "If I go I may not ever come back."

Her eyes clouded. "No." She softly cried. "No." Her words came out strangled. "You can not leave me." 

His eyes looked to her. "Rey, I must." He looked pained. "It is not for sure yet, but the likely hood of me being needed is high." 

She let a tear slide down her face. "We have been through a lot with Snoke and you almost dying the last time. I can not have you almost die again." 

"I won't die." 

"You don't know that!" She cried. Her hands were balled into fists. "I can not and will not let you waist your talent, by going off to save the country." She wiped a tear angrily. "We were supposed to start a life together. Be Rey, Kylo, and Oreo. Now you are leaving me and the puppy." 

"Rey, sweetheart-"

"Do not sweetheart me!" She cried. "First you don't tell me for 11 months of our relationship that you are an assassin, then you almost die and leave me baffled with a text, then you try to bribe me with a dog!" She was sobbing now. 

"Rey!" He grasped her shoulders. "I won't be gone for ever." 

"But you might be!" She sobbed. "You might leave and never come back! What if we were married with a child and you took off to save the world and never came back!" She hit his muscled chest half heartedly.

"Baby." He tried to reason with her. 

She just cried all the harder and ran. She tore from his arms and slipped her way down the flight of stairs. She ran into the street.

"REY!" She heard him calling for her frantically, but she did not bother to stop.

"REY!! LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!" The voice was frantic. She turned and saw Kylo waving his arms and then heard a thump and all went black. 

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