Chapter 3 💅🏻

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Just a minutes later after Carlos left , Evie came out of the shower after the completion of her so called , Princess Treatment . Evie then checked her newly painted nails both on her toes and fingers were completely dry and then got dressed in a light and flowy calf length dress that was dark blue with gold detail , gold high heeled sandals along side her traditional gold tiara with the red jewel hearts in. Evie confidently strutted her way through the various corridors and stair cases just as any VK Princess should. She got her favourite dinner and put in on a cafeteria tray and went to the usual table where found Mal and Ben , Jay and Lonnie , Doug and Jane but where was Carlos she wondered as she looked around the cafeteria where she was standing by slowly turning on the spot . Jay recognised Evie's confusion and said to Evie "Carlos is in a really bad mood and he thinks he's being ignored" that comment just made Evie more confused and the rest of the group on the table also started to wonder where the Puppy boy was.

Evie and the rest of her weird but very special friendship group all ate their dinner and slowly left in their couples to various areas and dorm rooms. Evie started to worry and stress as to where Carlos was as she started to panic in case she wasn't good enough for him or if she had done something wrong and the anxiety that was bubbling away in Evie's pretty little head led her to start pacing and hyperventilating this got to the point where she was about to faint from irregular breathing and Mal came into their shared dorm room in just the nick of time and Mal didn't look happy and was rather stress and Evie looked up and over at Mal before she could change her facial expression and for Evie , this is the straw that broke the camels back but for Evie it would be the straw that broke the blueberries back due to the fact that Evie was quite literally, a blue berry. Evie did the only thing she could do at this point. Evie fainted just before Mal could catch Evie or at least break her fall by grabbing her blue haired best friend and lowering her to the ground or putting Evie in her bed , whichever Mal thought of first .

Mal carefully scraped her unconscious best friend off the floor and gently layer her in her bed and Mal had tears in her eyes as she was extremely worried about her as Evie only fainted when extremely overwhelmed/anxious or sick and she ran her hand through Evie's dark blue curled locks and whispered "Oh E....come on its time to wake up now my princess blueberry". Mal had a brain wave and literally sprinted over to the bathroom she shared with said princess blueberry and got one of her washcloths and dampened it with slightly cold water as it helped Evie come round after her previous faint that scared the life out of herself and the other members of the Core 4.

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