Evie awoke to the noise of Mal muttering curse words and pacing back and forth in their dorm room and Evie was unconscious for about a hour and it was just before 11pm at night , aka Curfew. Evie opened her chocolate brown eyes and slowly moved her head to look to her left and saw Mal in her element (slowly losing the remains of her sanity). She slowly moved her head to her right and saw and worried and anxious Jay and Carlos sat on Mal's bed talking and Carlos soon said "right so if she's not awake in 5 minutes we're taking her to the hospital with Mal and getting Jane and Lonnie to explain everything we've said to Fairy Godmother , alright ??" Evie carefully lifted her head and than sat up in her bed and curled up in the blanket gently draped over her "guys it's ok , I'm fine" .
Mal gasped and jumped on Evie and hugged her and said happily "E I missed you so much please don't scare any of us like that again" Evie nodded and giggled "I'll try M" . Jay and Carlos came over to Evie and sat by her and Carlos said "Eves are you sure you're feeling ok?" He said that as Jay gently pressed the back of his palm to Evie's forehead to see how her temperature was and to see if she had a fever as Evie nodded slowly "I'm ok now I promise" . Thankfully she had no fever and a regular temperature. Carlos was in a bad mood with Evie but that didn't stop him rushing to Evie's side when a crying Mal rang them both and explained Evie had fainted after all , he still loved his princess. The curfew bell rang and Jay gently hugged Evie and Mal before leaving and Carlos simply left , the members of the Core 4 always hugged each other goodbye or goodnight and Evie and Carlos always kissed each other goodnight or goodbye (they're dating after all) . The fact that Carlos was in a bad mood was a worrying sign for Evie as he was always smiling or making a sarcastic comment but she shrugged the feelings away as Mal and Evie hugged each other goodnight and Mal smiled "Night Evie love you and tell me if you feel bad or sick in the night okay?" Evie nodded simply "I will I promise . Goodnight M love you too" .
Both girls were in their beds and started to drift off to sleep and moving around a little so they could be comfortable with their various pillows and blankets and shortly fell asleep. The next morning came earlier than both girls anticipated and Evie was up and getting dressed and starting to curl her hair whereas Mal was putting clothes on and doing some makeup (under the strict supervision of her fashionista bestie)
Evie's Outfit for the day
Mal's outfit for the day
Shortly after both girls were ready they went down to breakfast to meet Jay Carlos Ben Doug Lonnie and Jane. Everyone ate their breakfast and left in their couples or on their own and just Evie's luck , it's was just Evie and Carlos at the table and the awkward tension was so so high , higher than the level of Uma's hate for Mal . Carlos and Evie walked out of the cafeteria and into a empty hallway to talk about everything and they erupted into a very big argument about Evie supposedly ignoring Carlos and never changing from her former isle self and that involved door and locker slamming , shouting and screaming and nasty comments . Carlos stormed off whilst Evie strutted away down the corridor slamming every door she walked through and Evie has never been this mad or hurt by anything that anyone has ever said to her and that included Evil Queen.