Chapter One

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Slang Terms:
Split - leave the scene or area
Panties in a Twist - don't get upset
Soc - old school prep pronounced "Soash" as in SOCial
Candyass- a wimp or uncool thing or person
Greaser - middle or low class people
Panty-Waist - a boy who does not have a tough personality
Frosted - angry
Swapping Spit - making out
Broad - impolite term for woman
Crumb Grabber - small children
Tuff - cool
Rumble - fight
Bug Out - leave
Cutout - leave the area quickly
Flip His Wig - freak out

(Goku's P.o.V)

     "Goku! Let's split!" Broly yelled at me as I shut my locker, walking after him.

     "Yeah, yeah. Don't get your panties in a twist, man," I said slinging my jacket over my shoulder.

     We walked out of the building, turning down the sidewalk. Starting the way to our normal hangout, we took in the scenery. We were enjoying everything until we passed by the football field.

     "Red nine! Red nine! Set... Hut!" The quarterback yelled before the ball was snapped into his hands.

     Socs. Bunch of candyasses. I hated everyone of them. They made life a living hell for Greasers like me. Constantly they tortured us in and out of school, but do they ever get in trouble? No, because they're the rich kids, so we end up getting the blame. Though they were all horrible, there was one who was worse than the rest.

     Vegeta Ouji. He was relentless when it came to tormenting us, but that's not even the worst part of it. What was really awful was that he's gorgeous. Sun kissed skin, deep onyx eyes, a breathtaking smile and an ass as big as West City. I hated, yet loved him with my entire being and just wanted to get close to him. Just once to satisfy all my desires.

     Something hitting the back of my head interrupted my day dreaming. My hand instantly flew to the bump, as I grunted in pain. I turned and saw a football on the ground. Looking up, I saw the devil himself.

     "Can I have our ball back?" Vegeta asked as he held his hand out. Broly begrudgingly picked the ball up before tossing it to Vegeta. Effortlessly catching it, he flashed a smirk. "Thanks, panty-waist."

     I watched as he turned and walked back to his teammates. Damn, did those spandex pants do his ass justice. Tearing my eyes from the sight, Broly and I continued on our way.

     "Man, do I hate those guys," Broly said when we were a few blocks away from the field. "They think they're so much better than us for no good reason."

     "Aye, don't get frosted, we're almost at Four Star. Then we can play a game of pool and you can lose," I laughed as we soon walked through the doors of The Four Star Tavern.

     The gang and I have hung out at this place since we were kids. The bar is run by this older man named Gohan. He's like a grandpa to us and we treat him with as much respect as we can muster. He's bailed us out of trouble more times than I can count and he's always just cared for us when we needed it. Overall, he's just an amazing guy.

     Upon entering the building, I saw everyone in their usual spots. Yamcha and Krillin were over playing a game of pool with ChiChi sitting on the bar nearby watching. Tien and Launch were swapping spit in a booth at the corner of the room. Then of course, Gohan was behind the bar.

     Broly and I took our usual seats at the bar, grinning at Gohan as he walked over. "What do you two kids want?" He asked, giving us a smile.

     "I'll have a beer and he'll have a chocolate milk," I chuckled as Gohan shook his head.

     "Alright, two chocolate milks," he said as he walked away.

     I turned and leaned back on the bar, laying my jacket beside me. I let 'Ain't That a Shame' by Fats Domino calm my thoughts as I breathed in the scent of the bar. Cigarettes and beer.

     People were always in the bar no matter the time of day. Broads would come for dancing, guys would come to watch and others came to drink their problems away. It's always been a real popular hangout in the poor part of the city as it's cheap and Gohan understands our struggles. He's not on this side of town because he chose to be.

     "Aye, Goku! You got a nickel? I ain't diggin' this song," a broad named ChiChi yelled at me. She's been part of the gang since we were crumb grabbers. Always bossing us around, kinda like the mom of the group. She was a pretty tuff chick though, so we knew to do as told.

     "Yeah," I yelled tossing her the coin. She caught it and slid it into the jukebox and flipped through the songs. Soon, 'Tutti Frutti' by Little Richard came on and led people to the dance floor.  

     I watched from my seat as I sipped my chocolate milk Gohan brought me. I looked over at Yamcha and Krillin snickering as Yamcha was being a sore loser. Those guys were something else.

     I met Krillin the first time I came to this joint. He was playing pool trying to impress some chick who was sitting with her friends. When I saw what he was up to, I walked over, asked for a game and he agreed. He had this look that said he knew he was gonna win, but disappeared when I hit three balls into a pocket in one hit. After he lost, we started talking and we've been buddies since.

      And Yamcha, man, I met him in a rumble. I had bad mouthed the wrong person, and they came at me. The boys and I were outnumbered, when all of sudden this guy jumps out of nowhere and starts taking people out. After we managed to bug out, he chatted with us and he's been part of the gang since.

     "Goku, you gonna finish that?" Broly asked as he looked at the chocolate milk in my hand. I laughed and handed it to him, watching as instantly downed it. Man, did he love that stuff.

     Now Broly isn't just my buddy, he's basically my brother. Our dads work at the same office and we met during "Bring Your Child to Work" day. Damn, we were awful. Once he and I put our heads together, we tormented everyone in that building. Luckily, our dads didn't get fired, but we did get banned from ever going back there.

     Sighing, I looked over at Tien and Launch. There wasn't much to say about him. We met at school and hit it off. That's the most boring story I have for any of my friends. It's not that I don't like the guy, he's just not like the others, I guess.

     I glanced at the time before freaking out. It was 5 o'clock! "Damn it! My old man's gonna kill me!" I yelled, jumping to my feet.

     Broly chuckled and tossed me my jacket. "Good luck, man," he snickered as I punched his arm.

     "Yeah, whatever," I mumbled, putting my jacket on, the "Z Fighter" logo painted proudly on the back. Every gang had a name, and we made one for ourselves after our first rumble together. After that, ChiChi painted this awesome design on the back of all of our jackets to make us stand out better.

     Then I cutout of the building, running down the street, hoping my father wouldn't flip his wig.

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