Chapter Two

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Slang Terms:
Kleenex Cleavage - stuffed bra
Foam Dome - padded bra
Square - nerd
Flick - movie
Book It - leave
Don't Have a Cow - don't get upset

(Vegeta's P.o.V.)

"A Kleenex cleavage in a foam dome! Can you believe it, Vegeta?!" I rolled my eyes as Nappa and Raditz laughed about the girl we just saw. Poor broad was really trying to show off curves she didn't have, and it was noticeable.

"Grow up, Nappa. Not every girl is blessed with curves," I scolded as I opened my locker. I got my text book before closing it, making my way to math class.

"Aw, come on, Vegeta. It was funny," Nappa tried defending himself.

Giving him an eye roll in response, I turned a corner and bumped into someone. I growled and stepped back, brushing myself off. Looking up, I scowled at the person in front of me.

"Sorry, man," he said calmly as he looked down at me.

Dirty Greaser. All they were was a lot of panty-waists. They were always causing trouble for well-respected citizens like me and needed to learn their place. I hated one more than the others though because no matter how hard I tried, I could never break his spirit.

Kakarot Son. Nickname, Goku. Younger brother of my friend and teammate, Raditz. The dip never knew when to give up. Every time I try to put him in his place, his plump lips form this enticing smirk and he fights back. I despised it and wanted to break him, yet I couldn't help but be amazed with him.

I scoffed and waved him off, continuing my walk. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the familiar dragon symbol of a gang. Suddenly my throat felt dry and my knees weak. I hated how just the thought of that low class made my stomach swell with butterflies. Though I would never admit to it.

"Vegeta, you okay, man?" My head snapped in the direction of Raditz.

"O-of course! Why wouldn't I be? I can take a hit," I growled, shoving all thoughts of Kakarot out of my mind. "You of all people should know that."

"I do, but I was talking to you and you seemed distracted," he said.

I shrugged. "Just thinking about stuff," I muttered, walking into our next class.

"Okay, man," he sat down and I took my seat beside him, while Nappa sat behind him.

I stared at the board trying to listened to the geezer talking, but all I heard were the stupid giggles of the oaf I called my best friend. Nappa was an idiot, there was no denying that, but sometimes he could surprise me. That's actually how we became friends.

I was playing some backyard football with some kids when Nappa waltzed along. I threw the ball towards my little brother Tarble with a little too much lift and it went right over his head and into the back of Nappa's. When we were younger, Nappa looked like a total square, tall, skinny and lanky. When he turned and picked up the ball, I taunted him to throw back to me, thinking he couldn't do it. Man, I was wrong. He chucked that thing at me like it was grenade about to off. After having the wind knocked out of me, he and I became friends.

Then I looked over to the overly annoyed Raditz. I met him in junior high at football tryouts. Everyone knew he was a Greaser when he walked onto the field. He was wearing torn up jeans, ratty old converse and oil stained shirt. None of the guys and I were expecting him to survive tryouts and make the team, but he surprised everyone. Now he's one of my best friends and one of the best fullbacks in the city.

Seeing everyone stand made me realize I'd daydreamed through class. I got up and walked out after Nappa and Raditz. "You guys wanna catch a flick after practice tonight?" Raditz suggested.

"Yeah, I'm down," I said and Nappa nodded in agreement.

After stopping at our lockers again, we headed to the locker room. Walking in we were met with the hoots and hollers of the team. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity and got ready for practice. Soon Coach Kai walked in and yelled for us to hurry up.

Running out to the field, we begin warm ups then go into our basic routines. We all split up into our different positions, the linemen and the people who actually carry the ball.

After an hour and half of sweating and running, we went back inside, stripped our gear and headed straight for the showers. I got a few catcalls from some players, but I ignored it. I was too good for any of them anyway and they knew it, too.

I toweled off and got dressed before making my way towards the exit. "Raditz, Nappa! Let's book it!" I yelled.

"Yeah, don't have a cow man," Raditz grumbled back as he caught up with me, Nappa not far behind.

"Okay, I got my keys," Nappa said.

"Finally," I said leading them to the car, needing to relax with a good movie. Half the time we go to the drive-in, it's to make out with whoever you're going steady with. But this time, I needed to eat some popcorn, drink a soda and relax.

     I hid in the trunk of the car with Raditz so we'd only have to pay for one person. After that we went to the concessions and got a drink and food before going back to Napa's beautiful 1965 baby blue Foard Mustang.

     I loved his car. His dad got it for him for his 17th birthday after sophomore year. (Nappa is academically challenged.) When he pulled up to school the first time he had it I thought he pulling one on us, but a now a year later we finally believe it's his.

     I sat back in my seat and stared up at the large screen. Soon La Dolce Vita appeared on the screen. Midway through the movie, my eyelids slowly started to get heavier. Then after about 10 minutes of forcing myselfawake, I fell asleep in the
passenger seat of Napa's car.

(Quick Author's Note: This is going to be a slow-burn. Meaning, even though they've admitted their feelings, that doesn't mean they're going to get together straight away. I'm not trying to sound like you guys don't know what that is, but I just wanted to clear things up now for chapters to come.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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